
This is not my beautiful game!

What is so hard to understand about the argument she makes in the review that the sound is okay for a couple of minutes in a movie, but annoying when heard hours on end in a video game? You might not agree with that opinion, but it's more or less the textbook definition of an informed one.

Well, if you've been following his comments about the industry published during the last two years or so, it's quite clear he doesn't want to make any kind of Deus Ex. :-(

Watching the brawling part made me nostalgic for Minority Report - Everybody runs!

At I first thought the box in the first image was the actual console, with the image of the actual mock-up on the left being the disc tray etc., and I thought it was very sexy.

Noone is offended "for you". Some people are offended, period. Attaching any meaning to skin color is racist. Attaching any meaning to black skin has consequences for both people who do and people who do not have black skin, so they can be offended no matter in which group they belong.

Randy Pitchford's reaction highlights the entire problem, because it is so far, far away from the point. This is not about Anthony Burch. It is not an attack on Anthony Burch. There is no need to defend him. Everybody loves him and his writing. This is a critique of the way one of his fictional charaters turned out to

No, because speaking British is not a marker for a harmful racial stereotype (as long as you are not in a German football stadium).

What? Prometheus was the best Sci-Fi movie since Moon and the best film of 2012 period. It's a masterpiece.

What else is a game other than interactive media? Just because games have evolved so rapidly in the last two decades (in some areas more so than others) doesn't justify to deny the more low-tech, back-to-the-roots stuff the status of being a game.

I read that in Cave Johnson's voice. Is this an actual quote from Portal 2? (I know, I know, but it somehow might be.) :-D

Do you really think you can compare traffic control by a regular cop with spying by the secret police of a totalitarian government? Enjoy your freedom, I guess.

Thank you so much for this article. Some of the fragments touch upon difficulties or difficult situations I'm having or have experienced myself, and it feels good to see someone else come out into the open with similar concerns. Sometimes it is important to keep sharing your thoughts even if in fragments, because if

As former German chancellor Helmut Schmidt once put it, when you have visions, you need to see a doctor.

Couldn't have said it better.

If you consider Star Wars to be science fiction and Mission Impossible "clearly not of the science fiction realm", you might be a little bit confused about the topic yourself.

So, she romances mechs? Can someone explain that to a non-native speaker?

If there is any hipocrisy, it lies in the argument that a booth babe ban takes food off anyone's table.

So it's pretty much Hitman: H-O-R-S-E mode.

It still ceased to be funny at that point, no matter how old the "routine".