
Looks like Human Revolution got a bit long in the dragon tooth.

We don't have Black Friday here in Germany, but coincidentally, I also just bought a watch for €80 (marked down from 225). Here you go:

The police in the video did not spray a surrounding crowd blocking them in an act of defense or crowd control. The video clearly shows this cop spraying students sitting on the ground. He actually steps over them, so the students aren't effectively blocking anything. What is shocking to me is how so many Americans

This might or might not be true for the United States, or whereever you live, I don't know. But I know it is not true for Germany, even though some parents think so. The act for the protection of minors over here actually defines the boundaries in which parents may allow for exceptions. For example, if a movie or game

Funny, I'm 31 and somewhat absent-mindedly also picked 1994. Now even after deleting all cookies and restarting the browser and deleting all cookies again, it still remembers I'm only 17 and won't allow me to view. How does it do it??

I think every grading system represents a certain worldview, and whether one agrees with you or with me probably depends on whether one is more the sciences or more the humanities guy.

That logic is flawed. If you're reserving the ten for a game that never comes (and even in theory, as you point out, cannot exist), you're de facto rating games on a 9 point scale, and whichever game you're giving your 9/9, is the 10/10 in another guy's book.

If you look at the bottom of the screen, it should prompt you to "Press X to pick up Riddler trophy" once it's in reach. However, what is way easier and even required with some of the other Riddler trophies, select the batclaw and just grab the trophy with it, no need to walk over to it.

Sorry, can't tell you. You know, the first two rules...

If it has a tacked-on multiplayer mode, count me in.

As long as they let me mindcontrol the enemy, I'm cool with this.

Next stop: Elvis DLC.

How did you like Max Payne (Finnland)? Grand Theft Auto 3 (UK)? Mafia (Czech Republic)? To name but a few.

Whenever I see that logo, it reminds me of the fact that The Saboteur is by far my favorite game this console generation. The experience just haunts me. I still take my Silver Claw MK II for a joyride around the Paris countryside once in a while.

People who presume a lack of film noir because the game is set in broad daylight seem to lack a deeper understanding of the genre. That's like claiming Monty Python were incapable of black humor because they are Caucasian.

Well, the trailer doesn't really tell that much, but it looks like there's evidence they are actually keeping the noire style story (''all hell breaks loose around the woman I tried to protect'').

It's a league game, Smokey.

You better hurry, it has begun.