
He scored an ass of cock from his roommate!

Silent Hill 2 & 3

The crows are believed to have migrated from Raccoon City, where we tried to reach local authorities for a comment.

Dragons, obviously.

There are homosexual men who have reproduced/have had sex with women. I don't see why an asexual man should not be able to do so. He just won't be as emotionally invested in the process, I guess, similar to what the article says about asexuals masturbating.

If you like Scotland Yard, go try Fury of Dracula. I actually read a review somewhere that called it Scotland Yard on steroids. Same basic mechanics, set in Europe, only that you actually battle Dracula once you catch him, and Dracula can lay traps in towns he visited. I bought it recently and it's tons of fun.

@JesusChrist: My attention is not among those things.

So the two of them are already ENGORGED?

@lordd.gee: That's what I thought as well, but if I understand correctly, he's saying that historically, the 'vs.' moniker is already tied to the 'friendly'/cooperative interpretation due to the older Capcom vs Marvel franchise.

''Life knows two miseries; getting what you don't want and not getting what you want.'' - May Payne

Moving and shooting AT THE SAME TIME? That's Nonresident Evil. :-(

That comparison seems not quite correct. The Star Trek motion pictures were spawned by the tv series, not the first Star Trek movie, whereas the whole Terminator universe (though much smaller than Star Trek, needless to say) was kicked off by that first B-movie.

If you want to have more entries, make the next shop contest topic the new Gawker design.

@Taggart6: Sony isn't shooting for anything. The amount was determined by the Hamburg District Court in its court order which Egorenkov violated by uploading the files.

@ringer81: What do you mean? I would say a lot of (major) European cities look similar to that even today, and you could hardly call those underdeveloped only because they do not grow into the sky... American cities are not the one single model for measuring development.

All this talk about DICE reminds me of Mirror's Edge. I hope Steven asked Riccitiello about the progress of Mirror's Edge 2, can't wait for that one.

Relative to my income, the 120 German Marks (60 Euros) I spent as a 12 year old kid on Ultima 7. I didn't even have a PC that could play it. But I wanted to have it. To this day the best open world game I have ever played (once I got the PC a year or so later...).

Did you shout "This. Is. My. BROOM STICK!" with a Scottish accent before commencing the flashing banging?