
Micro USB was never designed to support the device solely with the connector. That was in the design brief of the Lightning connector (and the previous 30 pin) from the beginning.

The original article says that 15 seconds in the gel reduces bacteria levels to 0.1% of the original, and 5, not 15 minutes, leads to levels one millionth of the original.

Tiny, high resolution sensors have lots of noise, especially in low-light situations. Without oversampling, you get poor quality images. What is the benefit of the "dual" approach over processing to a single optimized image and displaying part or all of it?

I collect wines, and prefers reds to whites, in general, and have done blind tastings where I correctly identified varietals such as Merlot vs. Cab Sauv vs. Grenache. I have friends who are also 'passionate amateurs.'

Andrew, I don't know why you said "no fan" since it has one. It is a catalytic process activated by ultraviolet light. Here from the Airocide website: "The Airocide bioconversion system. Inside this cover is a reaction chamber that is densely packed with tiny glass tubules, each nano-encrusted with a highly refined,

59,999,999. I bought and upgraded an older Dell to Windows 8 from Vista and gave it to my tech savvy 11 year old. She uses Windows 7 on my computer and MacOS at school. Badly as she wanted her own computer, she hated Windows 8 enough that she decided to go back to her iPod Touch. (Strangely interchangeable to 11 year

Think of a string from your eyes to the center of the display panel. Move the string to the edge of the panel. On a flat display, it won't reach. On a curved display, it will just touch. Assuming, that is, that you are sitting the appropriate distance away. In other words, imagine a slight curve that keeps the screen

"Not worthy of a press conference"? Are you effing kidding me? We forgive Giz for the immaturity, the stupid pranks, the wacky posts, because at the end of the day, we get something approximating truth about new gadgets and cool technology. Giz used to be the Jon Stewart of gadget blogs: having fun, puncturing

Stunning amount of selection bias in the comments to this topic, as should probably be expected.

I understand that the effective resolution is about 2 megapixels, so you're not going to get large, high resolution images. I'm also not sure how often being able to refocus later will be that useful. Reminds me of that HTC commercial for a 3D phone: Kid (I'm paraphrasing): "Dad, isn't this completely useless?" Dad:

Amazon provides an email account for every Kindle and you can email PDFs to it. Making "Convert" the subject causes Amazon's compute cloud to translate your document to Kindle format. No charge over WiFi. It works surprisingly well.

Long ago, I set comments to be sorted earliest at the bottom, and I can't figure out how to change it so that earliest is on the top. Anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

Sometimes Flash has me (metaphorically) punching holes in my monitor. My Dell (running 7, with lots o' memory) slows down and becomes unresponsive. It often starts with Flash videos skipping frames and starts rampaging through my UX until I restart. It happens often enough that I've been able to determine that it

The pictures don't make it clear from where it is piloted, and if it is from the top front of the sun deck roof, how one gets there.

There is a certain "neither fish nor fowl" quality to the interaction with this BlackBerry; the on screen targets, whether icons or lines, appear small and therefore finicky. I think there is a place in this world for dedicated keyboards on small form factor devices, and I'd like to see RIM show a fanatical dedication

Why don't the headlines in these omnibus wrap-up posts link to the articles? I was feeling like I was finally getting enough information to be interested, and I'm hitting a dead end.

So if Apple doesn't allow applications without an AppStore purchase component, my Kindle app is going away. No chance Amazon is paying 30% to Apple. What this means is overturning the old order and providing an opportunity for new players with business models wrapped around paying Apple 30%. Good? Bad? I don't know,