
While you can never rule out (in fact, you should go ahead and just assume) that any given corporate action is being driven by some business reason, I would stop far short of looking at Merck’s stock bump as an indication. Stocks fluctuate by nature, and [experienced] CEOs know better than to take actions based on a

Goddamn, I tried Apple Music briefly and it completely messed up the iTunes library on my phone. I think it had to do with songs that I owned that were also available through Apple Music. Parts of those albums would just vanish with no explanation (basically the ghost songs you mentioned below).

A system that relies on people to be thoughtful, courteous and responsible is doomed to fail.

Yeah, too much weird orgy and music videos....not enough substance.

If it doesn’t have at least one dance orgy, then the Wachowski’s aren’t involved.

They barely told any sort of story with the two seasons they did have. I’m not sure a 2-3 episode wrap-up was ever going to suffice.

This show had a unique/fascinating premise, but bloated and increasingly convoluted execution. They spent too much time and energy on repetitive character motifs and EDM orgy videos instead of actually telling and furthering the STORY.

“Secondhand embarrassment”...I like that. If that’s supposed to describe how I felt watching the montages. About 40 minutes in, I thought to myself “what the fuck am I watching this for?” and switched to The OA.

Definitely too many musical montages. Also that makes it confusing to watch on closed caption.

As much as I love the Wachowskis, season 2 was hard for me to get back into. I admire the intentions and ambitions of the show. I think Master of None has a better balance of diversity and story quality.

I was really into the first season.

Exactly. Every tech blog has been bitching for years that Touch Wiz is awful and overwhelming with useless features and that the “pure Google experience”is what all phone makers should strive for. So LG does exactly what you’ve begged for and slims down their customizations and you call it “underwhelming” and “too

LG really can’t win with the tech blogs, huh.

I’d love a cut subbed with the titles rather than titles over the last few frames. So, if someone just wants to hop on that and reply with a link...

On the flip side, we get sunburned so very easily.
The struggle is real!

I know, right? Exhausting. One could say it’s a...I don’t know....burden?

Do you have any idea how hard it is to be White? It’s not easy controlling the vast majority of the world’s wealth, political power, and military might.

“White Genocide” sounds like Swedish death metal band.

In many ways, it’s a debate of ideas.

I’m not understanding how the Nazis that support Trump are seeing past Thiel being gay. Is it because he’s german? Does that cancel it out?