
Why is this news? The FBI has filed on millions of people. And this isn’t even George soros. That I might still consider newsworthy. “Billionaire has file at FBI due to political donations”.

I’m in no way a trump supporter, nor a republican. But i also don’t like hillary much.

I generally tend to be for all the iterations Apple puts forward in its iphones/iOS upgrades, regardless of how many “android had it first” posts I see. Progress is progress, regardless of who had it first.

Oh lord I bet this comments section will fill up with “android could do this back since before the Big Bang and the creation of the cosmos”. Keep it to yourself. I’m happy iOS is getting these features and I don’t give a fuck if android invented these.

“20$ is 20$”. That’s horrible advice for a 300$ item!! Especially considering the gains to be had for that 20$! Even if slimmer means nothing to you, the fact that’s it’s probably more efficient, quieter, and more heat efficient and thus longer lasting should mean something. Also the $20 extra gets you a redesigned

“20$ is 20$”. That’s horrible advice for a 300$ item!! Especially considering the gains to be had for that 20$! Even

So one thing I haven’t been able to figure out, as a guy, is there a downside of getting zika, and how long does it take to go away? Does it have any long term effects.

i thought received emails didnt send anything unless the received explicitly allowed it the case of read receipts for example where you have to give it permission to send it.

Does anybody have the moves in the above gif as individual gif’s? can these dance move gifs be found around the web somewhere?

Well it's obvious why you want to ruin it. The initial craze had everyone clicking on Pokemon love links. Now the the fad is saturated, hate pieces are getting clicks.

“and it still feels like an ungainly, bloated version of the Model S.”

maybe its because most of my genius staff interaction has been in canada, but i’ve never had that behavior from them. in fact they’re kind of annoying by being over friendly and trying to be too helpful. Otherwise getting iphone replacements for even minor things has been no problem or getting hardware fixed.

i agree with the beats thing, and i’m sure a lot of people buy macs for the same reason. but do you think apple would sell as well as they do if they put an apple logo on a dell laptop? or a compaq? doubt it . brands become “brands” for a reason. you might think LV, prada, etc are shitty products for shallow people,

way to miss the point and prove what i’m saying

ofcourse in an ideal world we would get all the storage space, fastest desktop processors, most up to date standards etc, but we always have to compromise between price quality portability etc. Basically i’ve realized instead of planning for contingencies (i MIGHT one day be into playing the newest games on my laptop

yep i agree, everyone has their own preferences and tastes. I have my experience you have yours and we don’t have to buy into each others arguments. Just present our opinions and experiences in an honest way so others can get perspective.

haha love how defensive you guys get. pissed off that apple fanboys cant keep their piehole shut, and yet replying with a ridiculously angry response. Love how you cant keep your piehole shut about how angry this makes you.

I told you my macbook model (2010 macbook pro, 13 inch). in detail, its a c2d 2.4 (or 2.2?) ghz c2d, 8 gb ram, ssd, and rest of standard stuff. I’m sure its not tough to find other users with my specs and their experience. Heck if you’re a tech guy that knows specs, you can figure out what kind of performance this

which model is this laptop that you’ve used for 9 years? can you point me to the brand and model number and the specs? just wondering what machine this is...seems to have quite the lifetime.

exactly. i can see merits of a windows laptop for those that need it. But because of the different approach macs and windows machines take, they’ll never be directly comparable.

yeah it really is dependent on what software you use and how flexible you are in switching. For me, the biggest concern i had when i got my mac was that i wanted winamp and hated itunes but was stuck with it :)