
Wow what a turning of the tides. Up till very recently gizmodo posted every fucking single video ok go made and showered it with praises and the trademark gizmodo style shitty headlines like “my brain won’t let me stop watching this for all eternity”.

Gizmodo sure has changed. Not sure how this belongs in gjzmodo?

How is this different from noise isolating earphones combined with an app to add white noise or whatever you want??

Wow took them this many years? I don't own much ikea, but from ALL of my experiences with ikea dressers specifically from other people's houses I've noticed how easily they tend to tip over if one or two of the drawers were open. Always thought it ridiculous ikea would sell such blatantly bad products and that people

Yeah if you don’t care about the old photos you want to preserve then go for this. Otherwise for anything you really want in good quality or want to print later go with a dedicated scanner.

I dunno man. Clearly you guys know what you’re doing and there’s researchers behind it. It’s just that every single day I see an “ad” for an anger product. There's nothing wrong with sales commission or advertising revenues, you gotta make a living. But just that At this point I would call this more advertising than

I dunno man. Clearly you guys know what you’re doing and there’s researchers behind it. It’s just that every single

is it still a deal if its on sale every fucking day???!!!!

is it still a deal if its on sale every fucking day???!!!!

“more form-fitting manner than regular condoms, though I did not find this to be the case.”

What's different? When is it coming out ?

I am not blaming your country. It was simply meant to demonstrate the ridiculousness of blaming Airbnb. You can always take an action and blame something bigger. So I totally agree with you and we are on the same page. Instead of blaming the person and his actions, these articles have become about Airbnb. People don’t

Like I said in my comment, Airbnb did ban the racist host in this situation and others mentioned. So it is doing something. And how should they stop racists from hosting on the service? Offer a preliminary questiinnaire at signup: are you a racists yes or no? Or should they be doing some kind of data mining to see

yes my idea about blanket blaming a country was exactly meant to demonstrate the ridiculousness of the market blame game. You can always up the ante and pick on something bigger because it makes for a better story.

why should airbnb be blamed for this? Airbnb is so prominently mentioned here that one would think airbnb promotes or facilitates racism. Its banning racist users, as it should, so its doing its best. Do you expect they have a crystal ball to predict potential racist users and not allow them to open an account?

Fuck you yet again for intentionally having spoiler titles and graphics.

GUYS GO FUCK YOURSELVES. seriously. its like gizmodo/ios 9 are intentionally putting up spoilers. I don’t read any of the articles ofcourse, but this is about the 4th or 5th article in the past month or so where the article title / picture seem to indicate a big spoiler.

What kind of dog is that in the picture??

Either you don’t use whatsapp or you’re someone who miraculously doesn't have the whatsapp web/desktop disconnect every 30 seconds. And dry disconnected until you take your phone out of sleep mode and then open whatsapp again. Or you use android.

It’s not about a webapp being more useful. It’s about the desktop app not being any more useful. Like I said I’m not a fan of webapps. I prefer proper apps. But in this case it really is useless to have a proper app if it still needs to connect to the phone and it still has the issue of disconnecting every 30 seconds.

exactly how is this more useful than the web app?

Yes I know about the feature, and i thought it was mainly for the 6 plus and the 6 would be manageable without it. But it’s not. If I had to use it once in a while it would be ok, but as it stands I kind of have to use it constantly. 3 taps instead of 1 is a pain in the ass. The right and left swipe from the edge of