That's some sage advice right there (skip to 1:40)
That's some sage advice right there (skip to 1:40)
I believe you need to click "Discuss" first, then click on the part of the image you want to annotate.
Needs a buzzword to sell it to the kids. How about Scrumpadoochous!
Picked up Scribblenauts, only to find that even though it's on sale it's locked out in Europe until February.
Why oh why is this not out for Christmas? I could've done with picking up both books together as they would have made ideal presents for my kid brother to read to my niece and nephew. I guess I'll have to wait until next year now.
It's not like this hoax didn't have a footing in fact. For instance there was Robert K Graham's so-called "Nobel Prize Sperm Bank", The Repository for Germinal Choice, which featured in a Slate article in 2001 and a BBC Horizon documentary in 2006.
Cue EA "fixing" this by banning the Origin accounts of anyone who used the above code in 3... 2... 1...
What I want is Elite IV, but as David Braben can't deliver the goods as he's off making Strawberry Shortcakes or some other mini-board computer with a similar name, I guess it's up to Valve to do it for him. Don't let me down Gabe, and I expect hats.
When it's deemed "necessary". Pocahontas and Mulan have been on the B-List of Disney Princesses for quite a while.
If the Internet does become self aware we can always attempt to subdue it with lots and lots of cat gifs. Oh hang on, it's doing that to us already!
It's the UK trailer, we're not getting it until February 2013.
It would have been more surprising if it had been announced as being region free.
Yeah November 2nd, that is unless you're in the UK in which case you're waiting until February 15th. Disney/Pixar really need to get their act together when it comes to release dates.
The Steam browser's based on the WebKit layout engine, that happened when Steam was brought to Macs.
Imagine if they did.
Probably the same reason why they change Kirby on the US cover art, to try and make something that's supposed to be fun and friendly slightly more badass.