Wrong piece of legislation, you're after the Sale of Goods Act (1979), and that would only apply to returns due to them not being fit for purpose.
When will this become compulsory? For the moment I'm holding off until either I'm forced to, or until logging in via my Steam ID is provided as an option. You are a games site after all.
An ad-free Android version is on Amazon's Appstore in as well as a Kindle Fire version, although as that app store is not "officially" available outside the States your mileage may vary on that one.
Dark Souls was nominated in two categories, Online Multiplayer and Strategy. The full list of nominees can be found here
Kit-Kat was created by Rowntree's of York in the 1930s. Nestle acquired Rowntree's back in the late 1980s.
I certainly hope this isn't the case.
I notice a distinct absence of weekends. what of "programming" on a Saturday and Sunday?
According to the date on the very first teaser Phil Fish uploaded to YouTube all those years ago, that'd be 2007.
I'd go as far as saying the definitive Worms game is and always will be Worms: The Director's Cut on the Amiga. The overly cartoony style brought in with Worms 2 and its sequels have always felt out of place to me, or maybe that's just me showing my age.
Very nice
All the best for the future Brian.
You chaps are all added. Now it's a matter of playing the waiting game to see if the other 40 I've added have done the same.
Mine's 2492-4111-0884 if anyone's interested. I'll add all the ones I see here in a bit.
For those thinking "What in the hell did I just watch?" it's a WarioWare-style sound matching game, involving such tasks as deciphering a robot's voice, choosing the correct video clip based on the sound bite you hear, and putting the act of eating ramen in the correct order.
If the hobbits and dwarves are going to be Lego figures, surely the humans and elves will have to be Duplo figures.
It feels weird to see my home city in a state of decay like this. I only have one complaint and that's from an engineering point of view rather than the art style. I'm pretty sure the viaduct on the corner of Witworth Street and Albion Street, opposite the Hacienda Apartments (at the start of the video) wouldn't have…
I guess patience is a virtue, it finally let me update.
Is anyone else getting an "An error occurred. Unable to update" message?
Yes, there are 44 tracks that have only ever appeared once. And that's not counting the main series' battle mode or the two arcade spin-offs.