Zak T Duck

Clever idea? Very.

If the Doom & Quake complete pack as Today's Quakecon deal is anything to go by, I think we can expect an Elder Scrolls pack and Fallout pack at some point this weekend.

Perhaps someone high up at Nintendo was embarrassed about having a gimmicky control scheme. It certainly seemed that way when Plattchen Twist & Paint (one of the first Wiiware games announced) was going to have Bongo support but ended up pulling it at Nintendo's request.

I guess Rovio haven't heard that keeping all your eggs in one basket is never a good idea. Some pigs might run off with them.

Depends on the model. The official Game Gear TV tuner, the PAL UK model at least, had a 3.5mm external aerial socket on the top. That could easily take a DVB-T (Freeview) box if you connected it with a coax-3.5mm adaptor. Sure you'd end up losing portability, but the battery life on the Game Gear was so appalling

Burn it! Burn it with fire!

That's so very very wrong. Nice one.

It's been a while since I've entered, let's give this one a go.

It's one of those times where UK and Europe get a major title before the US.

OoT3D arrived in the mail this morning so I'll be playing that. I'll throw some Link's Awakening and Donkey Kong GB into the mix, and if there's time add a bit of Beat Hazard (the Ultra DLC landed on Thursday) and some TF2.

Never seen this film up until just then; the picture was for the name, not the clip. Perhaps I should've gone for the Doctor Who theme or maybe Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys.

Sure the name's odd but I'm sold on the idea alone.

With that date it could even be the inaugural season of the original F3600 anti-gravity racing league, Wipeout was set in 2052.

It gets worse. Their browser features page doesn't list HTML5 support, so if that is the case you can forget trying to watch video through Youtube's HTML5 trial.

Does anyone have a spare ocarina?

The Daily Express might think so.

So it's two Wiis duct taped to a Zippo?

In semi-related news, you can now kick off preloading of Portal 2 ready for next week and anyone who buys/has bought the 13 Potato Sack games before Portal 2 launches will get exclusive co-op skins for Atlas and P-Body.