Zak T Duck

Unfortunately not my 3DS. The delivery company Amazon used decided that there was nobody in at my office at 4pm, despite 30 of us being there. I'm going to try and get it from them tomorrow, but I'm not hopeful.

I've decided to add Home Delivery Network to the list of useless couriers to avoid if at all possible. They supposedly tried to deliver at work at 4pm but claimed nobody was in. There were 30 people in the office at the time. Now it's a toss up between trying to retrieve my 3DS from the depot in the morning, or

A carrier pigeon with two broken wings and no sense of direction would be quicker and more reliable than City Link, they're appalling.

I've just taken delivery of games number 2 and 3, this time to my work address on 1st class delivery. It's starting to feel like Amazon and/or whoever's doing the deliveries are just trolling their customerbase.

One of the three games were delivered to my home address, on the free super saver delivery, and actually arrived yesterday. Normally those arrive the day after release. The 3DS I ordered on expedited delivery is supposedly sat on a van somewhere between here and the courier's depot five miles up the road and has been

This Companion Cube Pin. There's currently only one, a vintage one at that, which was given to a playtester at PAX Prime last year. If it becomes publicly available it'll more likely be unlockable by playing the game, much like the Alien Swarm hat and the Poker Night unlocks.

So it's Microsoft Bob with an Xbox Live-esque coat of paint? Yeah I can see that working.

oh no it's Miizilla! Run away!!!

What the 3DS needs is a thumb stylus strap, much like the one one the DS Phat but slightly longer so it's not next to useless. That'll probably solve those stylus woes, moreso for us lefties who would have to navigate menus or aim/shoot with their wrong hand. The latter was particularly true with Kid Icarus Uprising

It'll apparently still be on sale in Europe this Friday, so anyone who wants to get it (on) can still do so for the cost of a channel ferry. Alternatively hit up Ebay next week, no doubt some of the UK stock that "missed the recall" will end up there.

Meanwhile in the year 20XX...

The Crate Review System should be compulsory reading for anyone doing level design, and for the rest of us to have a giggle at level designer's expense.

I firmly believe that if the trailer for this had been shown without the modestly attractive couples and had instead had more in-game footage, We Dare would have generated little to no controversy and would back up why it's been given a 12 rating. It also would have generated little to no attention for being yet

That was apparently Fort Gay, West Virginia.

I wonder whether some towns from the north of England will fire off the vulgarity filter. Scunthorpe, Clitheroe and Penistone immediately spring to mind.

Very clever and well shopped.

The sooner image uploading makes a return rather than having to rely on either third party image hosting or on url hacks to, the better. All that aside, that's a nice shop you've got there!

Great, didn't post first time round.

I wonder whether I can get away with taking this contest seriously...