Zak T Duck
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Hydorah - A proper old school 2d shoot 'em up that's heavily inspired by Gradius.

@imrblankie: Retailers choose not to sell PC games used, that's not the same as being prevented from having the opportunity to sell them if they so wished.

It isn't that Valve/Steam is killing PC gaming market, it's that Steam integrated games are killing the retailer's opportunity to sell the games on again used.

@sharpoid: I'll see that and raise you a Tabula Rasa collector's edition box. I pointed it out to the staff the last time I was in that the game went bump back in early '09, they as good as said they didn't care.

I prefer my 3d viewers to have a retro feel to them.

@Ghinn: Don't let that put you off submitting yours if you haven't done so already.

Anachronism atop a skyscraper.

No problems for me, but that's probably because I use a £2 alarm clock I bought from a market stall years ago for my waking up needs instead of a mobile phone. Give me common sense over a fashion item any day.

@The_Foo: Replacing?? Noooooo!

@Dex-Starr: Red Arremer or more commonly known outside of Japan as Firebrand, is the annoying red flying thingy from Ghosts and Goblins.

Tale of Tales are having a very apt Day of the Dead $paywhatyouwant sale on their games. A minimum of $3 will net you The Path, The Graveyard and Fatale.

An opponent so formidable even Creepers light torches to check he's not there.

Maybe it's the cynic in me but based on previous form I read Microsoft "Doubling down" on PC gaming to mean "releasing half the amount previously".

@MrGosukiller: You could say they've hit rock bottom.

Coming soon for the ZX Spectrum, Hispanic Miner

I choose you Brickachu!

@cadeSILVER: If ads like this were featured in either the Academy Awards or the BAFTAs, this would be a shoe-in for the Special Visual Effects award. Man are those visual effects "special".