Zak T Duck

Iron Horse

A one night stand in South Korea must be like "gg no re k thx" then.

He's just playing it safe and keeping his options open. How can anyone commit to a third title in a "potentially" long-running franchise if said third title hasn't even been announced and the second isn't due for a while?

@Marmalade: Because that's where the Congo is, or in this instance the Kongo.

Even a nuclear war can't stop them.

Those blocks can be tricky to line up correctly.

The NES building requires visitors to blow off any brick dust from their shoes before entering, otherwise the lights will flash on and off.

I'd be interested to see how well Lego Star Wars and Plants Vs Zombies hold up as a web app, and as to whether the game data itself is being held client side with Chrome just being a launcher, or server side with Chrome acting as a Virtual Machine.

@Ace: Kraken's on holiday. I was able to find two stand-ins though, Friendly Kraken and a Pretty Kraken. You can tell it's pretty because it has pink ribbons on each of its tentacles.

Now playing

@mespme: It came out a few years before you were born, but that's still no excuse to never have heard or played it. Have a watch of the vid, then play it here [] or even better, pick up an old ZX Spectrum with a copy of the game.

@geekydestro: Oh it is on there, the blue version's listed under their Atari section

The standard was so high I'm astonished mine (20) made the cut. Congrats to all!

As tempting as it is I'd rather not have to put myself into self-imposed bankruptcy by purchasing nearly £6000/$9000 worth of TF2 models over however long it'll take them to release all 9 classes in both standard and exclusive styles in both teams. Yeah admit it, it's what you'd do if you had more money than sense.


Another 30 badges please.

Happy anniversary Duke Nukem Forever. Yes April 28 marks 13 years since you were first announced to us eagerly awaiting fans. I think I'd best head out to the shops and buy some more gum to tide me over.

@Deanb: Even better, download something like Joy2Key and map the buttons to your gamepad of choice.

One for the Brits: