
Errr Australia, not US. Smaller market, RHD, further to ship, also AUD$$$. Try buying one in New Zealand, they are $80k NZD. It hurts when people talk about brand new $35k BMWs in the US.

“Being that there’s nothing else on planet Earth that feels, sounds, or smells like one of these babies, it is a unique experience in and unto drag racing.” Subjective. I’ve been close to both these and fighters in tension in combat power (blower/burner) for a cat shot off a carrier. I vote cat shot for more

Now playing

Fun Fact: All of those stunts were coordinated by Rémy Julienne, from The Italian Job and James Bond fame. If you want to see some more stunts without that europop in the background and the next gen Gemini...


Most obvious joke is usually best joke. +1

The real hero is the guy who managed to film the crash in landscape mode.

As a pilot, if I’m within the safe parameters of a chute pull and don’t have an easy way to an airport, you can be damn sure I’m pulling the chute. Off airport landings can very easily turn into not pretty things; and it’s not always something the pilot has control over. There are too many unknowns, and I’m not

That would require both Dani and Marc finishing ahead of him...If Rossi is anywhere inside the top 10 and Marc finishes ahead of Lorenzo, I will eat my hat.

I remembered that Boing warning on the Shuttle carrier for some reason: “black side down”...

“crashing into what he says is a truck carrying a nuclear warhead “

It doesn’t sound like ejection was ever an option (though the Victor probably doesn’t have ejection seats anyway). The choice was between killing the engines and getting it down before they ran out of runway, or giving it more throttle and flying around for a proper landing. Given that the plane was not supposed to be

Aren’t these things just swapable anyway? Check for a PS/2 port.

But it’s got huge running costs and parts are hard to find, so it could star in an article with the headline “For the cost of a brand new Aventador, you could get this half century old Saab!”

10/10 would buy if stupid rich, because I want a real Espada 1 clone from Ace Combat 6!

Volkswagen has Fender stereos, so did Yamaha decide to go in-house for its guitar-inspired interior bits? That sunburst is going to have lots of dealer reps reminding test drivers not to play Stairway.

I know that drifiting doesn’t get wide appreciation...but you can’t deny that takes some serious skill

To me, this link shows just how far off the racing line Rossi took them, slowing as he went, forcing Marquez to brake. Marquez is known to get impatient, granted, but that’s a Rossi foul, IMHO.

lemme put a little wobble in your bars while you’re leaned over, lets see what happens. ( not saying there was a kick, but its not hard to tuck the front end if your bars get hit )