
Nothing at all. Ford has been doing it for about 30 years in Australia. Yes, I know a “ute” is a small, light truck by American standards, but the design is fundamentally what you suggest, just scale it up 15% to get a “mid size truck”.

I’m with you on the speed claims - solely on the gear he was in and the revs it was doing. Barely into 4th and by the sound of it, wasn’t wringing it out all the way.

I approve this message.

A much more heinous crime than the Grand Theft Auto, she thought her father was about to commit.

“the bloke who buys the Aston just sits there looking at the cover and thinks ‘fuck me, what a beautiful car.’ That’s where we need to be.”

Roof top camping rig. Pop up roof - fairly common on overlander Land Rovers.

Was it just me not seeing a second set of lights, but was the reaction time of everyone else about 2 seconds slower than the golf drivers?

I still think my favourite “in progress” project is “Project Binky”

The argument is the ability to blend in. A G wagon sticks out in an area where 90% of the 4x4's in use, are Cruisers.

I thought the 76 was going out of production.... and why bother to offer a contractor a deal to armour them, when Toyota offer them from the factory with the ability to withstand .50 cal fire?

Is anyone else as impressed as I am, that those insanely complex doors appear to have no issues opening, or closing, after what appears to have been a pretty decent impact?

“Fair use - news” unfortunately allows way too much leeway for the media.

By that rationale, is the Veyron’s record as fastest production car, legit?

The same ones that decided they needed 10 different measurements for the term “ounce”

The biggest issue with anything like this, is that helmets are not designed to have extra bits added to them. Go-Pro’s / extra lights / comms units, all potentially make a helmet less safe in the case of an incident.

Now playing

Dick Johnson, the father of the guy in the above clip, was chatting with commentators during the race in ‘82.

What you really want is the clip of the commentators patching in 2 competing drivers, for a chat at Bathurst, while under full greens, live on air. I just for the life of me, can’t recall exactly what year it was, but I think Larry Perkins was one of the drivers.

Based on the other cars and plates seen in the video - my money is on NSW - Australia.

Now playing

His Dad, 30 years ago - casual chat, under full green.