
emissions are only 1/10th of the issue. The biggest hurdle is actually the airbag system. US standards allow for idiots not wearing seatbelts, whereas everywhere else considers the use of seatbelts to be part of the safety equation - and last ditch safety features are tuned with this in mind.

You can start with shipping costs - Japan to the UK is significantly more expensive than Japan to the US. Spain to the US is comparatively dirt cheap.

To be strictly accurate here - they always kept the best stuff for RHD markets with the same safety standards as Japan. I can't think of any Honda made vehicle that you'd want, that wasn't offered for sale in Australia or new Zealand for eg.

You are in fact, massively mistaken.

While you are at it, start one to get rid of the Chicken Tax - it has about as much chance of getting anywhere meaningful.

They'd do what is the norm in Germany and other places that are used to rapid recovery - flat bed mounted crane and straps through the wheels. Car is "gone in 60 seconds" without hassle.

Or the parts of the Australian Northern Territory, where there are no speed limits and arrow straight road for around 50km.

Some might be able to build cars that are capable of higher speeds than the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport's 267.856 mph, but we will never know unless Volkswagen occasionally opens the doors to the only place on Earth where they can be pushed that far.

A list like this without the Japanese I-400's is just poorly researched.

The Columbians will do anything to get you some cocaine. This includes building their own submarines. No windows, no safety, lots of horsepower, decent range and a dope ride indeed.

I can think of a 200 ish km long section of road in Australia that would be perfect for taking on this record. Oh - and it'd be legal to try it on any day of the week.

Ni idea what Lambo did, but I know Porsche gave you a super space saver that you were supposed to put on the front and move the front tire to the rear if that's where you got a flat.

"It's sort of the catch-22 of drunk drivers. They are stupid, but you can't throw the book at them for merely driving while drunk. Some people would almost impose the same fines/jail time on drunk driving as you would receive for involuntary manslaughter."

Is the government entitled to seize your gun if you use it in the commision of a crime? The vehicle was key to his having committed this heinous crime of "Reckless Driving" so should be seized. It's not the governments fault that he chose to use a decent car and not something that would qualify for entry in a LeMons

If he got off with this, then decided to try and beat his time and in the process killed your wife / girlfriend / parents / significant other / dog etc, would your attitude still be the same? I realise things in the US are a little different to the rest of the world, but that would be the argument used in many places

That's essentially what it was for years, when it was just Ford and Holden involved. They went spec - with the intent in getting other manufacturers to come and play.

Those same idiots that believe helmets are not needed at all on motorcycles. Or believe jeans and a t-shirt are perfectly fine to wear on a bike.

straight line (1/4 mile or even 2 mile), you'd put money on the Venom. Add a bend into the mix however and your money has to go on the One:1

Only the engine is built in Texas - the car is actually assembled in the UK. Further mods may be completed in Texas - but all the chassis mods are Uk, as is putting the engine into the shell.

If you are holding the phone, it should still be illegal. Hopefully they amend the law / ruling to say it's not illegal if using as a navigation device when the phone is in an appropriate holder, in an appropriate location.