Not sure about the Bentley's, but my G63 guard, gets around 8 mpg in Bogotá traffic (the standard is listed at 12 mpg city).
Not sure about the Bentley's, but my G63 guard, gets around 8 mpg in Bogotá traffic (the standard is listed at 12 mpg city).
A: who says I've never been in a similar place or situation?
the 20 seconds you see in the video is more like 4 seconds in actual elapsed time however.
I certainly do. However as I noted in the original post, lets not get into arguments over this.
How does Bumblebee take the blame on this one? The cop entered a closed movie set during filming.
this douche takes my vote. I don't care what your supposed reasons are and please let's not get into a politics rant re: the Iraq "war".
I'll just leave this number here...
The Cyborg - R Mirage deserves a footnote here.
and yet there is absolutely no need to do any of those things. (with the exception of taking laptops / ipads out of bags)
It would however cost 12x more in build cost and be significantly less safe - since CF can't be welded and the glue's used to bond CF are no good at the extreme cold temps experienced by an aircraft travelling at 600 m/h @ 33,000 ft
For a short haul flight (under 4 hours) I'd be with you. However, I regularly cross the Pacific Ocean by air - you need a reclining seat for those flights.
Of course not "right." As soon as they hit the ground, explosive bolts blew open the hatch, making them a tasty, meaty delight for the hungry animals in the dead of Winter. And all they had was a pistol. Oh, and it was freezing, like -30 degrees Celsius. Oh, and their clothing was soaked because it got really hot up…
The only difference between 6000 ft and 8000 ft pressurisation for a child is the number of times they need to equalise their ears while ascending. Since they are incapable of doing it themselves - the plane could be pressurised to 500 ft and the net result would be the same - screaming for hours.
The changed air pressure level in the newer planes only help reduce the likelihood of someone suffering from deep vain thrombosis.
Travelling with young children is easy if you have half a clue.
COTD material there.
The water level of the pool (already below the skimmer box) would indicate that he'd already done at-least 1 dunk into that pool, if not 2 or 3.
Update #4: William Valicenti, an associate professor at the College For Creative Studies and a professional photographer for over 25 years, said, if he had to estimate, a five-year contract for usage rights could fetch $5,000.
That and the contract with Iran that stated as long as the US had any in a serviceable condition - they had to provide spare parts and support to Irans fleet of F-14s.