“... especially in the relatively weak National League”
“... especially in the relatively weak National League”
Patently false. The Cubs haven’t been the Yankees of the National League precisely because they HAVEN’T been trying. Not from an ownership standpoint. They just haven’t.
They’ve sucked all this time because they’ve spent all their efforts trying to print money—without having to do the work to build a winner. That part…
I used to live across from Hair of the Dog. Anytime we’d end up there, I would point and laugh with my STL friends until one of them finally told me to shut up. Worth it.
Nick Kyrgios really needs to learn some manners.
No props for Derrick Rose? Dude's been playing the "me ow" game in interviews for years.
Well, that's one way to tailgate
Wow, Chris Brown is gonna be hella disappointed when he finds out beating cancer isn't what he thinks it is.