A pat of butter might be better?

I will take that shit into consideration next time

How about earning some audience respect by not acting like a bunch of 12 year olds who’ve just discovered expletives. Serious people don’t curse. So, duck you, millennial ignoramuses.

It sorta depends on the car. Yellow is a bad color for most cars but a sports car... not so bad. But maybe white? Black, because everyone gets it thinking it makes them bad-ass?

Nice try, but the new Airpods have two (holes?) on each ear and the stem is much thicker.

In the coral
The mighty coral
The lionfish dies tonight

so much better than another red hot nickel ball video.

So in the beginning of the video, all the stuff they are chopping is really wet/moist. 0:38 shows that it is actually sweat! Maybe that is why Chinese food has so much sodium in it......

I feel that, but I also think that you’re coming from the perspective of preferring a miniseries. Which I get. But this movie was, I think, about as good as we were gonna get in a two-hour film. I liked it a lot.

I haven’t bought a movie on bluray/DVD in a long while, but I’ve already decided to buy this one with all the deleted scenes and directors cut it’s bound to have.

Leaving aside the mind boggling level of corruption and engineering involved in this, what strike me the most is the mexican govmnt refusing the extradition to US.

I’m surprised Trump isn’t mouthing off about El Nino too.

The magic word is: funnel.

How much water are the trolls wasting?

Shouldn’t you be at some Texas Border Patrol tailgate party?

You sound like an asshole.

Clarification: Defending lady pusher = incivility, calling you weak shit = true