Totally agree with this — however, you shouldn't be charged tax on points cards on purchase. I know Gamestop does, but usually big boxes like Wal Mart and Target don't.

The only thing that I hope for is if they charge even amounts for their DLC (not things like $4.99) and not tax them. Otherwise, this move actually gives us stupid pennies on the dollar left over and (in the case of the latter) less money to use for purchases like on PSN.

For some reason, the video of the dungeon made me think of Dink Smallwood.

Looks really cool and reminds me a lot of SWAT.

I was honestly not a fan of her acting, but the little kid playing Mako? That kid had range.

For those who are mad about the wording of the question (whether or not they're asking for the name of the princess or the game), their answers would still be incorrect as it would be "WHO is Zelda?"

The usage of "...this game," clearly shows they're asking about the game.

I remember playing THE SHIT out of Suikoden III. I bought Suikoden on the PSN store a few years ago, but I haven't gotten around to it.

Microsoft has sales every week, and last week they had some really good ones. I think, in December, they had some great sales everyday for something like 20 days.

I don't know. Death of the Family, Rotworld, and I, Vampire were pretty fresh.

Just caught this on Twitter. Really, really sad to see, and it's even more tragic that looking at his Twitter account showed he was tweeting throughout the day.

No doubt. The game mechanics just feel like a palette swap for Venom.

I always felt that Radical made this and really wanted to follow it up with a Venom game. The lack of license lead to Prototype.

The bigger question is to invert both axes or just the y-axis.

I used to do a lot of focus testing at Gearbox. I was always "that guy."


Yes, I do read comics (though less and less Marvel - outside of Ultimate Spider-Man and a little Daredevil: End of Days).

I think DC is far, far less reliant on a single continuity than Marvel. Marvel has this thing about global continuity, and 90% of it taking place in Manhattan.

Kingdom Come. A big DC battle royale and a showdown with the smug Captain Marvel? I'm so down for that.