Her Majesty’s Ship
Her Majesty’s Ship
As a heads up, you can leverage timestamps to embed or link to a Twitch video at a specific point. In the example in the story, you want https://www.twitch.tv/videos/133340988?t=10h15m23s
Probably not a popular opinion, but this show is comedic gold for me. I’ll only watch it when I’m sad or in a shit mood. I find the designs of the Titans incredibly silly, they make me laugh. Their designs juxtaposed with the more serious designs of the humans just cracks me up. This show, to me, is about super…
Ugh, the worst part of online gaming realized in flesh and blood.
If Mark Davis doesn’t want fans to be overwhelmed at the new stadium, he should insist on a simple bowl design.
That’s not tenting his fingers, it’s praying. It’s his resting pose.
Sigh......I’ve come to hate these articles. It always seems what is leaving (if they actually leave) is better than what is being gained. It doesn’t even matter that I didn’t know it was there to begin with and wasn’t watching it currently anyway.
Evelyn Lin’s imdb page strikes again.
Actually, he would have tried to buy a 6 and 9.
Wow, what a bunch of THUGS
He’s calling Darkseid to earth.
There’s no I in team, but there’s definitely a “me” in meme!
That sentence could be applied to the entirety of the game, both in that it struggles at times with the uncanny valley and in that it is about a valley filled with robots.
You’re absolutely correct, Hamilton, journalists are not heroes. Everybody knows that it is the copy editors who are the true heroes.
In the Squirtle evolutionary line, the color changes with each stage. The color palette probably isn’t robust enough to capture subtle differences like this perfectly. The best you can do is an approximation that accounts for the changes between each. If they do make a Blastoise, they know what color they want to use…
Editor’s note: For Black History Month, The Root is speaking to the relatives of our most cherished African-American…