
And WHO KNOWS what after that.

Yep, mobile gaming in 2017. Next year it’s gonna be mobile gaming in 2018.

To simulate the thrill of permadeath from traditional Fire Emblem, I’m just going to smash my phone every time one of my characters dies.

Rogue One is better, though!

Yo, seriously, [MAJOR SPOILER ALERT] Vader’s rampage right at the end was probably the most fuckin’ amped I’ve been in a movie theater in years. I felt like my head was going to pop.

It’s pointless to say. This time last year everybody was creaming their pants over Ep. 7, and then we all underwent the change, and now 7 might be the worst episode of all of them, and it was fine. It wasn’t great. It didn’t suck. Yes, it borrowed heavily, but all we said after the prequels was “WHY DON’T THEY MAKE A

Careful with that talk. You don’t want to get fork-stabbed do you?


A few pokemon have always had weirdly specific game requirements, and it generally works out.Umbreon/Espeon were possible in games that didn’t even have a day/night cycle, as well as other Eevee requiring oddly specific locations. Milotic was changed from high beauty ( a stat that didn’t exist past gen 3) to Prism

Insecure? No Insecure. You’r insecure

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

I’m hopeful about Lindsay Graham.

This is pretty ridiculous. A lot of the times the creators of the fan games send us the games themselves, asking for coverage. Sometimes, the games are broadcast/publicized on platforms that have like ten times our traffic, and we cover them after they’ve made the rounds on the internet and therefore became ‘news’. I

The game was ready, but the DRM of the time wasn’t up to Metallica’s standard.

Take your star, you jerk.

Getting tackled by a girl is nothing to be ashamed of. Now getting tackled by a kicker...

Browns are putting the 0-16 in 2016.

*Mike Pence shakes head, chuckles to pretend this didn’t happen*

Heh 59 heh heh ;)))

Graft versus Host disease is real my friends...