They just really, really need to crackdown on people owning multiple houses, one per account should be the limit
They just really, really need to crackdown on people owning multiple houses, one per account should be the limit
I was in a local game store about 2 weeks ago, browsing PS2 games. I saw a price tag of $85 and was instantly curious what PS2 game could cost that much that was not in a display case. It was a PS2 version of what this game looks to be. I had no idea it ever existed. I looked up reviews online and they were GLOWING…
They redid Vaan’s abs and that’s all that matters, everything else be damned.
Wresting is a good metaphor for this bullshit bit of theater. McCain could have effectively done exactly what he did last night on Tuesday afternoon, but he decided to do a swerve to generate good heat and then do a classic double-cross, and the marks go crazy. The problem is that this isn’t professional wrestling and…
1. OF COURSE her name is Amber.
The 18 countries that allow trans people to serve openly in the military seem to be handling these issues just fine.
Footage of this guy is the best ISIS recruiting video ever.
I was too, actually - he was the only Disney character whose Japanese dub I actually really liked; Woody and most of the rest were fine, I just overall prefer the original English voice actors, just as i prefer the Japanese ones for the Sqeenix characters. Buzz was the only one to sound seriously off.
Probably just a bunch of kids who feel threatened by the idea that FFXIV may take away the MMO champion title away from WoW.
Blizzard servers get DDoS’d: No big deal
I know who can stop this :3
Bro on the right looks like the love child of Stone Cold Steve Austin and Larry the Cable Guy.
Of course they do...and let’s just be honest...would you bet 150 million dollars and your job on Ranvir Singh?
Everything on this site is a cesspool. Why would the greys be any different?
One of these days we’ll see someone posting images like these saying that they’ve made the cg person yet. And people in droves will come to comment how there’s still something slightly off about the model and we’re not out of the uncanny valley yet.
Gotta beg to differ. It was the music.