
Selling my MacBook 2010 today to score a clearance iMac! W0000000t!

I want in.

That's why I only add people that I know personally on facebook. Tin foil hats are not a part of my wardrobe.

What's that saying...

The people running our country are the president, vice president, Hillary, John Lithgow, Robert Kraft, Brad Childress, Patrick Stewart and a guy who looks like he'd have a British accent?

Joe Biden was quoted as saying, "I got the next round, you're getting pwned out there Hillary. You better be glad Black Ops doesn't have nukes, because you would singlehandedly lose us this game."

"GET THE FUCKING CAMPER!!! HE'S RIGHT THERE!" -President Obama last night.

I'm calling it now, the President is a FPS addict.

I just moved to Houston from Massachusetts, and I shipped all my stuff (there wasn't a lot of it) through the postal service. I'll never ever ever do that again. You want to talk amateurs? Those morons are amateurs. My stuff finally got here, and it was broken, damaged or outright stolen. Nevermind the fact that

"Users only see ads when it's convenient for them"

I saw this too on the webcast. It's a big WTF moment for sure.


I can't wait until the churches adopt technology "in the name of God." At least we know we'll be safe because our gadgets will have their blessing. Until then, we're heathens destined for eternal damnation because we can send a text faster than we can confess our sins.

At least the company that creates shitty signs is thriving.

Brings new meaning to the term, "Beast Mode."

I want to see sniper gameplay to be sure. This might be the game that gets me back into serious gaming though.

Still saying BS till it's on store shelves.

Hey, this is great. More overpriced munitions that our government can waste money on to fight wars we shouldn't be involved in. I love this idea.

Hipsters: Rejoice!

Are you speaking about North Korea or the United States?