I’d say you’re a terrible parent if you choose to do your job and miss out on the birth of a child when your contract (well, the CBA actually) gives you permission to have paternity leave.
*Person you accuse, not accuser
Issues I have with how the media has been dealing with Kane’s alleged rape:
MVP Baseball 2005 should really be on that list. Best baseball game I ever played. For hockey, NHL 94 is the best, but NHL Hitz is up there. Also, Mario Kart of the SNES occupied most of my childhood. Screw the recent ones. The original one is the best.
Did the movie also make him be a mediocre at best blocker and not be able to stay onsides?
It was a guy who got his car keyed up, but point taken. Also worth noting: the dude who wrote the post is a porn photographer. So that’s fun.
Perhaps so. We’re not really friends. I think my point is sports ain’t worth getting so worked up about that you want to key someone’s car just because they root for the other team and perhaps say some not very nice things. *shrug*
It wasn’t even that guy’s car that got vandalized. It was his friend’s car. Actually know him (the guy whose car got vandalized). I’ve gone to an away game with him. From what I’ve experienced (noting that we are closer to being acquaintances than being friends), he’s never acted confrontational or rowdy.
Says who he was one? We can speculate all we want. The fact remains, an extremely unfortunate and unnecessary outcome occurred. Be better sports fans. Two wrongs don’t make a right. But three lefts do.
Glad you were there to witness everything that he did. And here I thought we could have a logical conversation. My mistake.
So how does that remotely justify vandalizing someone’s car and security doing nothing about it?
And how does vandalizing his friend’s car (who might or might not have been involved) solve anything exactly? It certainly doesn’t begin to justify security doing nothing about it.
Even though he did that, does that really warrant vandalizing a car and stealing its license plate? And security doing nothing to help? That kind of trash talk is the norm in the playoffs. Honestly, those two things (the vandalizing and the complete lack of help from the people who are supposed to protect the fans)…
Hilarious that you actually care about this. Have a good day.
I bet you don't know who Curtis Joseph is without Google.
You don't need to tell me. I've been going to games since 1992. The difference is I don't give a fuck about bandwagon fans. You do. And you know what they say: the only people who care about bandwagon fans, are most likely bandwagon fans.
1. But you DIRECTLY said, AND I QUOTE: "Missing the playoffs one season does not make a bandwagon disappear". Also, why do you care? Are you all of a sudden the fan police?
Can I just ask why the heck you care about bandwagon fans? They're a result of success. I don't see you calling out Pens fans for not showing up before Crosby. Just saying, you wanna call out bandwagon fans? Fine by me. Just make sure to be consistent.