
guys this is really old news

The fact that you need three hands to use all of it’s controls. No seriously, that’s the intuitiveness. Non-gamers when presented with a gamepad with an analog stick, a dpad, trigger sticks, shoulder buttons and face buttons can be a bit over-whelmed. On the other hand if someone tells you to “hold the middle grip” or

My biggest issue with the building is that it doesn’t snap things to existing structures, like the buildings in Sanctuary. I’m trying to fix this shit up, but I can’t even get a wall to sit on building right. And why the hell can’t I get a door to actually attach to an existing door frame?

It’s almost like it’s unfinished and they could use another 5 or 6 months to finish the CG!

A similar quote by Rothfuss is, “There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”

How is it a blow? When Lucasfilm decided that those books were no longer canon, it’s not as if they dispatched people to go out and remove those books from circulation or existence. They’re still out there, you can still read and enjoy them, so what’s the problem? All the worldbuilding, all of the stories are still

I looked up the script, the scene I’m thinking of was actually a conversation between Luke and Owen, not Obi-Wan. When Owen says that Obi-Wan died around the same time as Luke’s father, and Luke responds “He knew my father?”. This is also when Owen is trying to convince Luke that Ben and Obi-Wan are unrelated people

I’d be more concerned over the disc not being balanced, since he just put the sticker on one side. Even slightly unbalanced discs can screw with the drive over time.

Please tell me this is incredibly thin film, or he has placed an identical sticker on the adjacent side. Imbalanced discs wreak havoc on disc drives over time.

As a current player of World of Warcraft let me chime in with my opinion.

10 years later and the game still has ~6 million monthly subscribers; I’m sure they’re all scrambling over at Blizzard HQ right now because brokenfury8585 is going with “too little to late blizz.”

> allegedly not connected to the internet and are only able to send internal messages. (so? you’re there to work not browse the internet ...)

I’m pretty sure you just answered your own question. You’re the target demographic for the material.

She’ll make point five past lightspeed. She may not look like much, but she’s got it where it counts, kid.

>internet tough guy

This is nothing. You want hard-core coding? Try the On-board Shuttle Group at JSC: their shuttle software clocked in at just over 400,000 lines of code and the last three versions have ONLY EVER had ONE ERROR each.

“I’m already not interested. It’s just one big computer. This is Avatar”