
While I haven't played many other Wii U games, MK 8 was very underwhelming for me. Nice tracks, yes, but the gameplay changes didn't do too much for me, and the character list is absolutely horrendous. After being disappointed by almost every single character unlock, I just stopped playing once I got them all. 7 of

Different people find different things fun. There's no such thing as "fundamentally not fun."

Implying that the guy didn't actually play the game before doing speedruns of it.

That's...pretty much the point of a speed run like this. Find the right chain of exploits that will allow you to complete the game as quickly as possible.

Oh ok, so it sounds like you want to use a controller and earn achievements, in exchange for less actual game content. Then yeah, wait for the Vita version. The PC version is the original, the vast majority of Mojang's attention, especially in development, is directed towards it, and it has way more features and

I only need one: it's full-featured. Why play a console version of a game, when I'm not going to be getting everything I could get if I played the PC version?

Yeah, and I'm a professional software developer. Your argument literally makes no sense. Mojang is doing this so that their customers won't have Minecraft ruined for them because all these big servers are giving powerful perks to people who pay them. I have played tons of games on servers hosted by fans, plenty of

I said Hypixel will not have to shut down. I'm sure they'll have to make adjustments to their stores and stuff, and that's ok. They'll survive, as Hypixel himself said.

As for the Hive, I really feel no sympathy towards that. The point of a server is community, so why split your community within the server between

Let's look at it this way:

I think you're the one who really needs to do his research on this. If what you say about the Hive is true, and any perks are purely cosmetic like pets, particle affects, and sounds, then the Hive will be totally ok and will not have to change a thing. This was specifically covered in Mojang's blog post. I suggest

When some of the largest multiplayer communities are on these kind of p2w servers, yeah, the little kids at home who want to play literally cannot because they'll get trounced by donators. You think a couple of 10 year olds have the means to start their own private server? Or the ability to lug the family computer

Sounds like someone's bitter that they're going to stop getting the extra cash from naive children who are willing to pay for enchanted armor and console commands.

Because why the hell would they want two separate editions of the game on the same platform? Even IF it would sell, it would be cannibalizing sales of regular Minecraft, which is a million times superior to any of the console versions.

Was in the Park Ave/Goodman area, moved about 20 minutes away to Spencerport a couple months ago.

Howdy neighbor

MN or NY?

Depends on whether he was employed at-will or not. If so, they do not have to provide an explanation. I have no idea if a composer under the employ of a large video game developer is typically employed at-will though. If not, maybe they found him in breach of whatever contract he has. In that case, I would think they

Could you provide some examples of tasks you've created macros for and otherwise automated? I keep hearing about the glories of automation like that, but I have trouble finding instances where I could apply it myself. I might just be missing some obvious stuff.

The epitome of impropriety!

Lots and lots of people, I assure you.