
At first I was like, "ho hum, this happens." Then I got to this part:

That daughter and grandson sure are gonna miss their supplemental income, aka the dead lady's social security check.

Norman Bates could not be reached for comment.


It was too obvious for me. Blue steel + mugshot + he looks like me (so it goes with my comment), boom done.

She wants to deny young women the choices that she had back when she was not so insane.

it's been 2015 for 6 days and this is already my favorite post of 2015. Thank you & congratulations!

What a fan fiction that would be.

I'd be much happier if they were lovers but I recognize that is unlikely

That's a good band name.

I thought the argument was it's easier, for men to rape women that go to their college. Before college men would have to go far and wide in order to find victims, much like prehistoric hunters.

Is she Princeton Mom's mom?!

The irony of Phyllis Schlafly is that her life is actually a great feminist example. She's had a rich and varied career, doing basically what she wanted when she wanted, while still raising a family and building a media empire. It's enough to make you wonder if she's really trolling the right, when she

wait so like

But is her middle name is Artisanal ???

I posted the same thing but posted Hansel doing it. Ah but I'm in the grays. Great minds!

Really? I get a totally busted Hansel.

No and no but I am getting the Blue Steel vibes from him