
Oh man. I used to be in charge of a small internet concern's customer care queue and such a majority of the voicemail was from people who thought they were calling a dating service or possibly a phone sex line. That was not our line of work. I pray I'm never lonely enough to leave a lascivious voicemail on some random

Love the user name!

I'm not gonna lie, I could use a wee bit less basketballamericans in this thread too.

Here's something annoying and useless: a guy called and left a message on the main line at work which I have the pleasure of checking every day. He went on for 106 seconds talking in circles, bitching about his life which had nothing to do with anything, then didn't leave a name or phone number. NO ONE NEEDS THAT.

Sheesh, go get a cuppa joe and take off the cranky pants. You know who doesn't sound charming? You.

"advises top relationship therapist Dr. Sonya Rhodes. "

Man, I got one old calling one phone to tell me he left a message on the other phone. Damn. Just send an email.

Why thank you. I am charming.

I think voicemails are only relevant if you have important information to leave—going on and on about nothing was inconsiderate back in the day as well.

This is the most obnoxious reply to anything.

Oh you know whats fun?

OG Millennial here too and I'm with you. I'm working on training the olds I work with not to bother leaving voicemails anymore because as soon as I see so-and-so called, without listening to the message, I'll call them back. When they ask if I heard their VM, I just say no, I hate voicemail, just tell me what's going

I am Millennial OG (class of 2000) and my husband is from the tail end of Gen X. He leaves incredibly long, complicated voice mails (JUST LIKE HIS MOM DOES) in spite of the fact that he knows that I 1) won't listen to them, and 2) haven't left a voice mail for anyone in years because I think it's inconsiderate. I do

"To me he just donated some DNA that I'd really rather give back for more of my mom's DNA and her last name."

Yes. I had a uncle that used to "tickle" me but always in and around my groin area. Everyone would always go on and on about how I was his favorite hence always forced to hug him/ give him a kiss and tolerate his "playfulness" (aka sexual abuse). I didn't even view it as abuse until I was in my late 20's. In my head,

Father's Day is an incredibly painful day for me since my own father is...well, I'll just leave all that nastiness out of here, so I've started celebrating Father's Day by wishing my mum a Happy Father's Day. I started it just yesterday instead of mulling over all the ways I fucking wish I had a father like everyone

I always wished there was a magazine that was about cheap fashion. "How to find goodwill gold" "altering clothes you already have" "best stuff we found at forever 21" etc etc

I think you're taking this quite a bit too seriously. Antiquated ideas about gender-based parenting roles are clearly not the subject here. It's simply that her mom was such an excellent parent that she never missed having a dad around.

I celebrate my mom is Father's Day. She raised me alone and that although many women and men do it alone now, raising a kid is job for several people. So I celebrate my mom on Mother's Day and Father's Day and if there were a "individual who helped raise you" Day I would celebrate her again. She did a very hard thing.

Don't you have more important things to troll?