
Do I know you? Because I've done that. It was 2000-01ish and he came back from the record store pleased as punch with his new purchase. I saw the bag and said "Ok. We have to talk."

You raise a good point. I shouldn't have implied real Nickleback was filled with "actual musicians."

Wait... instead of "actual musicians"? You lost me.

Yeah, but instead of actual musicians the band is made up of members from the 1998-1999 New York Knicks bench. Chris Childs does a great Kroger and they're going to have a lot more time to tour now that Marcus Camby is basically out of the league.

It is now.

I understand this idea. Drugs like anti-depressants don't make you into a different person who does things that "you" normally wouldn't do (unless perhaps you're having an adverse reaction..) If you're experiencing them in the way you are meant to, they allow you to experience life without the burden of depression,

I love kids who clearly dgaf about on-air interviews. She would so much rather be eating animal crackers and playing right now.

This does not change the fact that white males are the largest culprits of denying feminism, domestic abuse and rape.

He shoved his dick inside her (leaving bruises, no less) to "save her life"? Fucking disgusting asshole.

This all reaffirms the fact that parents need to start including a "here's what constitutes rape" discussion when they have the sex talk with their kids. Not that it would have helped this woman, but the "ignorance" defense is so, so tired. Dude, you know it was rape, ESPECIALLY if you cleaned her up afterwards.

Was the ring placed in a diva cup?

Got proposed to over lentils AND KALE. Organic, free-range, watered with locally sourced angel tears KALE.

Proposed to over a bed of lentils... TOP THAT

I've always used OB (although I just got a DivaCup) because they're the best quality. Pulling out an unravelled wad of cotton is not the most fun thing, and that's been my experience with every (borrowed) non-OB, a crappy tampon hidden by the applicator. So, no applicators for me!

Before all the backlash about how prudish women can make great friends as well, I would like to just point out that all of my best friends fall into a more promiscuous category and the ones who are less so tend to be more judgemental and harder to relate to. Sluts FTW!

Would love to see an Anti-Creepshots site be created, where women post pictures of the creeps they've caught snapping shots of them, along with a shot of the perps broken phone.

It's funny, because when I think of creepshots, I think of things like this:

She doesn't want your help. She wants to complain about how awful her life is. Back off and change the subject when she starts talking about it.

Is it weird that my first thought was "who the hell would be married at 27 anyway?!"