
I'm replying to myself here but did anyone else notice that when they were doing the sex he said "I love this" and she said "I love you"........awww, we've all been poor stupid Marnie thinking that some kitchen sex with a guy who has a girlfriend who is not saying he loves you, means something.

I would rent it out but I'm not certain anyone would get out alive

Thanks :) Patsy is the best!

No worries ;)

LOLOLOL that picture up top with Weinstein and his uncomfortable "harem" is hilarious on so many levels. You know they were all chatting and he came up to them and because he's a big shot and has money they had to let him squeeze into the shot. They are all, "smile and it'll be over soon". Lorde looks like me if he

I just got my period this morning and it's Monday and it's January and this story is KILLING ME. Look at his face. SOMEONE FUCKING ADOPT THIS DOG BEFORE I DIE IN A SEA OF TEARS...............I was not going to read this post but I like to emotionally cut myself so....ugh, someone please please adopt this dog. I want


It was done to me unexpectedly and it was not appealing...kinda felt like he was licking my arm or elbow. I do not do ass play as it just does absolutely nothing for me. Grab my ass anytime during, fine. But please remove your digits and your tongue.

I am fascinated by the twin connection and am good friends with some fraternal twin sisters but I cannot get past my irrational fear of identical twins. I dunno man, I just, I think it's a fear of someone looking exactly like me. I know it's normal for them but it's some fucked-up weird thing of mine I can't bring

Ugh, bitches they are!

Oooh those pants are cuuute. I'd wear them to a funeral. Also, sort out your priorities NYPD.

My indoor/outdoor lovin' cat hasn't been out in a week and is going fuuuuucking bananas. Crying, playing in his litter box and running around and wandering aimlessly. I keep telling him it'll get better after today but he doesn't know. He's a cat ffs. Ugh. I need sleep. The crying reminds me why I don't want

From Ontario: Fuck all ya'll, we ain't sorry! If we freeze, you freeze with us!

I was all 'WHO DA FUQ LET THIS SHIT STAIN INTO OUR PROVINCE?!'...then I saw where he was "performing". Not surprised. Would be even less surprised if he was performing in Oshawa.

She always looks weird to me.

OHHHH YAAAAA! Hansel is even better!

ALMOST posted that one lol

No and no but I am getting the Blue Steel vibes from him

I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!! I grew up watching this show and re-watch the episodes allllllll the time. One of the best shows of forever.

Every single one of these is giving me anxiety and I love super weird shit.