I did EXACTLY the same thing in college for a photography assignment on sex, 1997. It was lazy on my part and got graded accordingly. This has been done endlessly and is very unoriginal on everyone’s part.
I did EXACTLY the same thing in college for a photography assignment on sex, 1997. It was lazy on my part and got graded accordingly. This has been done endlessly and is very unoriginal on everyone’s part.
I don’t think they make phone books any more
How the hell is a parent allowed to live in a dorm???
As someone who makes clothes for a living, I approve this message.
I mean HOW does she not know?? I mean fuck., this is so iconic. 5 seasons. Queen (QUEEN) Latifah. I just don’t get it. Is this not on syndication there?
“Titus as Titus on a spoof ’90s sitcom starring Titus and…Titus. You get the picture.”
awr, gay men, still being so “men” after all. :-)
is she getting blonder and more orange?
That is a kick-ass smokey eye
such. a. disappointment.
Also, slavery but whatever.
How about not being an asshole and reporting on this story on a constructive way as Dlisted did. At least give her dignity in the headline.
As a daughter of an insufferable jerk mysoginist with whiffs of grifter foolery, I wouldn’t want anyone judging me or unfriending me on his behalf. However, if he ever ran for president (god forbid) of whatever association even, I would be the first to campaign against him with all my might.
what is hummus
tucker carlson has children? does that means he has had sex? wow
how can there be something worse than this?????