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Thank you-.

I am old enough to remember a time when a comment as stupid as this one got you flagged and greyed and flamed pretty quickly here at jezebel. Those were the days.

He was 12 -13 then. Oh fuck off. Who cares.

I’m in love

My question was ‘how’, I understand the why very well :(

I guess this is what the “be best” campaign is all about

How is this even possible? How can they all not stand up and leave. Jesus.

had to look up what 114 was in Celsius. And said out loud in my office HOLY S**T MOTHERF****R. Needless to say, everyone looked at me with dismay.

Or is Cate Blanchett actually just tall?

hate everything about this. but:

Nicki? Is that you?

OMG even his secret service guy looks douchey.

you mean Le Chum

pinches gringos.

This Bitch

This Bitch.

I don’t have cable anymore -or an actual TV for that matter - but when I used to, the only channel I watched was ID. And when staying at hotels, you know the remote wont be used since I will be stuck on ID during my stay.

it was so disappointing. like when going for a treat and it has some sort saccharin sweetner. Not so bad at first. Oh but the after taste, such hell.

Now playing

Have any of y’all seen Real Detective from ID? I am currently bingeing it on Netflix and living.