
You raise a very valid point and shouldn't be shut down just because it's not a popular point. I am a Black woman. I don't think that every woman who relaxes her hair or wears weaves that don't look like their own texture hates herself, but the question remains: why?

I'm a white woman with curly hair and with the exception of about a year in middle school I've always just let my hair be. My hair looks so much better natural now that I don't do anything to damage it but I have reservations about continuing to wear it natural once I became a real grown-up(still in grad school right

Relaxing and weaving hair can certainly be just a fashion choice. But among Black women, some of who still will wear a relaxer for, say, 70 years or so, that is clearly not just a beauty choice. Until we do away with the idea that we "have to" have relaxers to be employed, pretty, or just presentable; until we do

Look, if my husband said "hey, whenever you want help with the housework, let me know..." I would lose my shit. Because it assumes I'm responsible for the housework. These days I come home and say to him, "listen, if you want help, let me know..."

I'm going to claim that that was totally intentional and witty pun since her two nationalities are fighting over her.


This dress is blowing me away. She looks stunning.

Why would, anyone outside the trans community in 1985-1990 use the correct pronoun for a trans-person? I thought the same initially when the physicians gave Woodruff his diagnosis of HIV and were wearing masks. I was like, don't these assholes know you can't get HIV from... Oh. Its the 80s. The writing and MISUSE of

I'm confused. I'm a straight black woman, but I haven't banged any black chicks either - am I racist, too? Dammit.

I slept with a Japanese guy when I was 18, so I get a life long pass on making fun of Asians? Who knew?

She has a point. That's exactly how other entertainment industries works. The Seahawks all retired when they won the Super Bowl, Beyoncé will never make another album since she broke all those records, and tom hanks hasn't been in a movie since "Big."

Now you made me look at Seitenblicke.at. Austrian abroad here. Yes, Lugner is an asshat. Shame that Austrians are now more famous for stuff like that and people hiding girls in the basement than Art and culture (at least I get asked about that kind of stuff more).

You say you think she was being unnecessarily hurtful to Marty, but her whole point was that the hurt was NECESSARY. She did something he would not forgive because the last time she wanted out of that marriage he stalked her. He would never let it go because he's obsessive and controlling of women, and if nothing else

I tend to agree. I don't think this makes Maggie any better or worse than the rest of them. I wonder if people realize that even when they're railing against stereotypes, they're still perpetuating the stereotype that when women use sex as a tool, they are being vindictive sluts, whereas men also use sex as a tool

He/she also apparently dismissed my comment, copy-pasted here:

Uhhhh, maybe he should have called in a bomb threat on his daughter's shitty personality instead because she sounds super unchill.

I picture God all "It's fine. It's FINE. YES, that one too. Look I've got a universe to run...YES, that's fine." *hangs up* Ya know, I put brains in their heads for a reason."

Your rage is also misplaced, however. Gunn has repeatedly called for more diverse shapes on the runway. He disapproves of using tall, skinny, white women, and has said so many times before. He was saying here that designers are using trans models, who specifically fit all the boxes of cis-female models, as a guise of

After all, would you describe two people in a monogamous, long-term relationship who've tested negative for STDs as engaging in "unprotected sex?"