Next in line for Corby.
Next in line for Corby.
So why is this still in the grays? Too level-headed?
At times it feels like I have accidentally stepped into a church here. How come everybody is so hung up on matrimony being this holy union? People choose to live together. Some put a ring on it, some don't. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes people keep trying for years to make something last that…
I don't think that this is what's going on. No one's applauding Maggie for using Rust, which is clearly what she did (and both she and Rust are well aware of this). However, it is a sad truth that audiences will root for three-dimensional, interesting characters with flaws, even huge flaws, even when they're clearly…
As for The Sound of Music, that is one of those things that are far more popular abroad than in the country it is supposed to portray. Every American I've met has seen this movie, but hardly any Austrians. I haven't seen it either :)
Actually, there's a pretty good indie music scene atm in Austria... too bad those kinds of things don't make the headlines :/
Lugner is a disgusting dimwit who's well-known for saying whatever comes to his mind in public, including complaining about his ball guests. However, the only thing he is interested in is publicity (as in bad-publicity-is good-publicity). I don't doubt he grabbed Kim Kardashian and said inappropriate things, because…
I should perhaps add that we don't have it in my neck of the woods. Mayhaps other parts of Europe do have it. Lots of countries, after all.
European here. See, we don't have this very convenient thing Americans call "dating", therefore implying that there is some (at least potential) romantic interest. Sometimes I think of "dating" as kind of killing spontaneity/building up too much pressure, as opposed to just hanging out and then see where it goes, or…
Thanks for explaining! It does sound marvellous indeed. I'm glad when I climax once, multiples are quite out of reach for me (for now, at least - never give up hope!) :D
Holy hell, would you mind... how did you... oh well, forget it, there is no polite way of asking a stranger on the internet what I want to ask you.
Best comment! :D
Wait. I still don't get it. There's a "seduction community"? With a summit and a ranking (how do they determi - no, hold on, I don't want to know) and whatthehell else?
Maybe because Zadie Smith is simply so ridiculously good-looking that you'll want to slap her picture onto every piece that mentions her even in passing.
This was my exact same reaction. I love Zadie Smith and I want to think only the best of her.
After the first few scenes of Apollo and Roslin together in Battlestar Galactica, I allowed myself to see the sparks flying, never mind that he was in his, what, late twenties and she in her late fifties or something. I knew it would never happen, but ah, wouldn't it have been just glorious?! If they'd made it happen…