
Sorry to sound like a humorless spoilsport... but I figure the only way I would feel comfortable making fun of a teenaged mainstream pop star is by being a teenager myself. Mocking a teenage idol is mocking the kids who like him, in a way, and I feel that as an adult, that's kind of a dick move. Feeling superior over

Others have already covered the main thing here, which is: the father had relinquished his rights to his daughter, even agreed to an adoption. Yes, everybody can change their mind, but how about people start thinking about what their decisions do to their children *before* taking them? Especially such life-altering

Theon. I kinda like book Theon, even though he's not a sympathetic character - but he's supposed to be a dashing youth, and he has this arrogant charm in the beginning that contrasts so nicely with his being completely out of his depth later. And show Theon is a douche from the beginning, plus he looks like a frog.

Never drank beer with a straw. Never used a sharpie for my eyebrows. Never lined my lips with black eyeliner. I guess that means I am not a woman, despite the evidence to the contrary consisting of a pair of tits and a vagina. Damn. I'm doing it wrong.

No, they say it in German, usually as a suggestion as in "Gehen wir McDonalds" (Let's go McDonalds), but they would also say "Ich geh' Schule" (I go school). It can be annoying... but if said in full knowledge of it not being grammatically correct, I think it's hilarious tbh ;)

Wow, and there I was thinking this is a German phenomenon - German kids say shit like "Let's go McDonald's" all the time. I think it's kind of funny actually, and admit to having used this sentence structure on occasion.

Does that mean Anne Hathaway is Marnie and Jennifer Lawrence is a cross between Jessa and Hannah?

Is this a meme? I've seen this comment so often by now that it must be some sort of inside (well, internet) joke. Somebody says they don't like a movie? Tell them they should go watch Transformers instead. Only here it seems to be applied wrong, since the OP was complaining about the shallowness of Midnight in Paris,

I keep getting confused by people consistently calling Michael Jackson's youngest kid "Blanket". Surely that's not his real name, is it? He's Prince Michael jr. or something (bad enough, granted, but still better than Blanket). I thought the media just started calling him Blanket after the incident in Germany where

"What's the point of word rehabilitation if it still means the same thing it originally meant when in the wrong hands?"

Actually, no. You cannot dictate others what to say or not say. Taboos are for the people who believe in them, not for the unbelievers. You may choose to say or not say a certain word, according to your beliefs, but those who do not have any beliefs tied onto that word are free to say it. Freedom of religion means

It's a funny coincidence that I should stumble over this article just after having finished reading this: http://fozmeadows.wordpress.com/2012/12/08/psa-your-default-narrative-settings-are-not-apolitical/, wherein the author explains in great detail how the fact that SF/Fantasy novels are populated mainly by straight