
I wonder what the population of women in women-only prisons is? I bet it's higher.

My father has informed me that this ad is about using condoms. It makes only slightly more sense now.

At first I thought he had been arrested on stage mid-musical, and now I am sorely disappointed.

Let's get "quasi deep" while being sleepy.

Facebook is narcissistic, but so is posting on forums such as this, as someone who grew up with computers, the sheer amount of people who develop themselves an online following baffle me, as by contacting more people I feel that they are somehow distancing themselves from

My husband cuts our lawn every week, which is great. But he needs SO MUCH credit for this chore. "Did you see I cut the lawn?" "Did you notice I went diagonally instead of simply back and forth?" "Lawn looks great, doesn't it?" "I think setting the blade higher was a good choice, don't you?"

I honestly have always thought that Marge Simpson was a good example of a strong female character. Yeah, she's married to a guy who's kind of a dope, but she's fully realized and has multiple facets to her personality. She's essentially the glue that holds her family together.

It's a shame really because while we all lament how the new generation is more stupid, we have the issue now of too much bad information at kid's fingertips. I think girls are in need of sound reproductive, relationship and educational advice, as well as information regarding political matters. They have a good medium

This always happens in any murder that is committed by children. They loved violent videogames, they drew violent pictures, they watched a horror film, they have goth parents...

"She opened her top and showed them her boobs, which Jennifer says were completely covered in 'the most beautiful angels and beautiful butterflies and baskets of flowers in pastel-colored tattoos.'"

Dolly, you are now, as ever, my idol.

If I might give praise to the saints who serve me.... I take my elderly father and grandmother to an Italian chain restaurant which may or may not have the words 'Olive' and 'Garden' in the title. I do this because handicapped parking is usually available even at peak hours and it's near both of their nursing homes.

I think that for some women (men too, probably), it is an uncontrollable reaction, and if you are stuck in the chair in a meeting that you can't get out of (being reprimanded or what not), you can't run off to the bathroom to hide. I've been in situations at work where a confrontation occurs, and if it's directed at

I am astounded that even the originals were real adverts. Fucking ridiculous, every last one of them. Christ.

Mmm, belt buckle...

By now I've reached the point where I'm starting to consider absolutely everything on the internet a lie until conclusively proven otherwise.