
Yes, agreed. I do not understand this.

How innapropriate. I appreciate the fact that you are grammar HITLER, but this is completely irrelevant dear sir. Resulting in a floccinaucinihilipilification.

I do believe you are an floccinaucinihilipilification, dear sir. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/floccinaucinihilipilification


It's genius, I mean think about all of the people that cannot afford iPad's. Don't you think it would be easier for a mid-low financial situation to accept a much cheaper iPad that has a price to compete with the new Nexus 7 which is virtually superior to the new iPads processor? It is to my understanding that Apple

Good riddance to iGoogle, it used to automatically set itself as my home page and I literally spent hours trying to figure out how to set it back to Classic Google when I finally realize its in .09 font at the bottom left of the page.

You know it gets serious when she spits out her dentures.

Funny, I still have a landline with a dialtone.

Don't worry, some day these ashtrays will be gone in a puff of smoke.

Thank you so much!!!! I'm having a pizza party tonight!

Actually, if you look carefully:

Whens the part when it smashes into the ground and becomes crumpled paper awesomeness?

It's most likely just a defect in the CCD sensor.

Why isn't there heat radiation on a 752 degree planet?

It all comes down to your expectations really. My view over the new iPad is that the updates aren't sufficient enough. I would rather have Apple spend more time in developing the new iPad, rather than to hastily release a $500 product without that many additions. It's not really a wise financial move, but it will help

This tablet resembles a large Nintendo DS. It was a good idea, but the way they implemented the 5" screens was downright stupid.

I wants a star!! :p

The 2nd generation version needs to be motorized.

Where's the tutorial video?

In my opinion, QR codes are fantastic. Imagine having to type in a 350 character link on your phone, when instead you can scan the code and badabing badabang, you're on that link. Also, scanning QR codes is kinda fun.