
Another idea for playboy....

Really Stupid idea. If apple goes through with this. Sales will further worsen from Steve Jobs leaving. Also they would have to make everyone create their apps so that there would be three categories. iPad, iPad Mini, iPod Touch/ iPhone. Apple would never do that with their "simplicity"

@SkyHawkMkIV: I meant not that great compared to mine. He definitely creates works of art they are just not as good as my glass eye maker here in California.

He's not that great. Maybe just in Britain. My glass eye maker / ocularist in Tarzana california is the best in the world. Though it is pricy

Im going to stick with headphones

What global warming?

@jayhawk11: Its virtually impossible to brick an iDevice with an IPSW. The only thing that would happen is your device would show a recovery screen, thats when you just click restore on iTunes and you're back in buisness.

Notice how they probably used caps to write "WE EXPECT THIS WILL IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF COMMENTS ACROSS THE WEB" In fact I just used it. But honestly I think there should be a caps lock, only because the keyboard layout is firmly planted in my brain. It has been the same for decades Why should they change it on their

I almost had a heart attack!! Marty's voice was perfect. I thought it was another movie, just animated. I can't wait for this!