The wage violation cases are/should be handled as trafficking cases. They never use up all the t visas available and DOL has finally started certifying victims.
The wage violation cases are/should be handled as trafficking cases. They never use up all the t visas available and DOL has finally started certifying victims.
Right? And yet CIS is actually the nicest when it comes to u visas (and t visas—for victims of human trafficking). They are much more compassionate and understanding for u visa and t visa applicants than with asylum or humanitarian waivers in family petitions.
Thank you for doing what you do—and being well-versed enough to add a non-lawyer disclaimer! ;) The difficulty depends a lot of the law enforcement agency and how receptive it is to assisting undocumented immigrants. Withdrawal is unlikely unless the certifying official is a complete jerk. Getting re-certified 3…
It's dumb. I think they usually cite concerns about opening flood gates, but I have a low tolerance for listening to excuses, so I'm not entirely sure-but the cap is set by Congress (yay!). They also didn't give out any visas the first few years the law was on the books, and they won't give them retroactively, so…
Well congratulations. You explain that much better than the good doctor in the main post (even though I think part of your post got cut off).
I think you're confusing evolution with "intelligent design."
Right? It's hilarious and adorable when kids do it. Adult doctors? Not so much.
Oh, good catch on the venue. I hadn't noticed that. He's like the adult version of those kids on the AT&T (?) commercial with the faux children focus study.
That's a really hokey explanation for why we have menopause.
You really don't. I once fostered 4 kittens in my one bedroom apartment. So much poop. They could poop their body weight every day, and they would find the strangest places to do it. I was sniffing out poop hiding spots all day every day.
(I'm not endorsing your theory, but I made a friend stop her car so I could take this picture, and I think you should have it.)
This times a thousand. I use interns, but only because the local university won't leave me alone about it. But the point of an intern is not to have an unpaid admin assistant. It's to help introduce someone to the field and provide extra mentorship and guidance in their work. An internship that is properly run is…
I don't know what that means either, but Bill Gates' doesn't *use* google. Everyone has better googling skills. The man must use MSN/Bing.
I am so glad no one who has worked for me has ever felt the need to claim/admit to diarrhea as the motive for his/her sick day.
I have no opinion one way or the other about Heche, but you got me excited about the Chenoweth movie because I thought for a second that Kristin Chenoweth was cast to play me in the movie version of my life. But then it turns out the remote place she goes is in Montana, not Alaska. Totally different. Sad face.
That man has perfected the art of the disdainful reaction, and I'm a bit hypnotized.
So...just finished a family marathon of the whole new season. Worth it for how it ends in the Michael and George Michael story line.
I see what you did there, but stick with it. After the first 3 or 4 episodes, it gets better (which I think is also the name of one of the episodes). It was definitely clunky for the first few, but then it found its stride and you barely notice the format difference.
Thank you for ruining my productivity/improving my life.
Yes! Thank you! I've only ever (knowingly) dated one chubby chaser (when I was fresh out of college), and it really bothered me and was the reason it didn't last. I don't normally have to say this, but stop valuing me just for my looks, dude.