
"but there's also nothing wrong with parents wanting their children to grow up surrounded by values that are important to them."

Definitely agreeing with you, but I'd take it even further: the emphasis on "purity" at such a young age puts these girls' sexuality front and center in their lives before it needs to be. Prepubescent girls don't need to be taught not to be temptresses. This emphasis on "purity" seems to make these girls aware of

Translation: 'I was indoctrinated and I don't see why people shouldn't have the right to continue said indoctrination.'

The Loophole.

The pince-nez. Good enough for Poirot, good enough for you.

Okay, I'm calling it - hearing trumpets are next!

Monocles are sooooooooooooooo 5 seconds ago.

Your upbringing has visibly made you completely unable to function as an adult in this society. You're clearly unable to draw lines between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. You make continued claims that all behavior is acceptable as long as it is about "forming communities," regardless of whether those

This is my favorite thread. Ever.

Except the thing is the GS have those same values. Seriously I'm an atheist and a GS leader. I cringe when at every single meeting we say the promise and the law both of which include serving god. This idea that the GS are in someway inconsistent with belief in god or Christianity is patently false. They are also not

Actually, words have meaning. The word making means you are talking about an action in progress, not one that already happened. You are saying that the author is doing the making, when in fact the us vs. them dichotomy was set up by the people who created these groups. There's no "making" going on. It's made.

"That's When He Carried Me"s are obviously the counterpart to Tagalongs.

I run a Girl Scout troop and we just skip the part about god when we say the pledge. I run an inner city troop with multiple religions so I just chose to avoid it altogether. Plus I prefer heathens to saints. More fun.

Imagine a young woman who has been molested or raped after being indoctrinated with this purity message.

Making this an us vs them issue does absolutely nothing to help matters.

Thin Command-Mints (you only get 10 per box)

Definitely Not Samoas Because Other Cultures are Scary
Thinly Veiled Misogyny Mints
Lot's Wife's Salted Lemon Cremes

What sorts of cookies do you think you can get from the American Heritage Girls? I'll start.