It’s the settlements. What? 8? 10 of them? How did she not know?
It’s the settlements. What? 8? 10 of them? How did she not know?
It was an “open secret” that Weinstein was a serial abuser and wasn’t even coy about it. Of course she knew. She’s the white Camille Cosby. But I’m sure she married Jabba the Hutt for love...
I’m feeling ambivalent about this. On one hand, I hate to see women held accountable for men’s bad behavior, but on the other hand, she used his power to advance herself and, I mean, she knew, right? But! Maybe she didn’t. Abusers are good at only showing certain sides of themselves to certain people.
I hope that’s a waterbed because Lea Michele seems excessively thirsty.
Matt Damon has four daughters, people! He’s now contractually obligated to care about women.
I’m someone who likes rough stuff and went to therapy in part because I felt like a freak because some men I was with told me I was broken/gross/not a real feminist. I struggled for years to deny the things I wanted, even though it comes from a place of fun and adventure, and I’ve had some very healthy, positive…
This is literally my relationship.
I don’t have Teigen’s beauty or glamorous lifestyle, but we’re alike in that I’m lucky to have someone like my husband around (patient, selfless, silly, up for whatever), while I think he got the shit end of the straw by marrying me. Stars, they’re just like us!
Ok. In her defense, as someone who has been a network anchor (radio) and is still in broadcast news in a top 10 market, she likely DID have a hard break. You’re up against automation and you absolutely must hit that break (hit that post). If you don’t, the automation will cut you off. You have to backtime your way…
There are several stunning people I see fairly regularly (a P.A. at my doctor, for example). Every time I see the “most beautiful” People issues, I am reminded of those people I know, and I wonder who would be on the cover if the editors truly did account for everyone on Earth.
No you don’t get any of that or you wouldn’t be using the term, “retarded” but it’s always nice when people put their ignorance on display.
While they’re at it, I wish the coders could make again so that you see which of your many witty posts are recommended in the notifications. Now it just says “X people recommended your reply” and when I click to see which one, it doesn’t even take me to that reply, just the headline of the post I replied to.
1. It says exactly what it is at the top of every installment.