
I’ve never understood how he was labeled as the “cool” pope. He’s just like every other pope, he just doesn’t look like an Indiana Jones Nazi like the last guy.

I have to confess that I find The Rock super attractive.

100% same. This feels “make fun of Amanda Bynes during her breakdown”-level of tacky.

Jesus fucking Christ. At this point I’d be willing to break into their fertility clinic and flush those fucking things down the toilet just to get this Loeb fucker off this shit.

You are 100% right and it is most often included in PI cases where there is a spouse. In PA, it is called “loss of consortium.” I absolutely refuse to go to TMZ for anything because I hate Harvey Levin with the power of 1000 suns and despise everything they stand for so I will assume the suit includes a loss of

The lawsuit re: Shannon Doherty makes a lot of sense. It’s not just about sex. It’s about spousal support and companionship. Basically, it allows a spouse or partner to sue for damages based on the harm caused to them (usually mental and emotional) as a result of injury to their partner. In his case, her management

Chelsea was one of 3 friends that I lost in the fire. She was one of the nicest persons I knew and an asset to the bay area DJ scene. She helped me expand my love and knowledge of electronic music - especially Detroit house. She was one of the best volunteer DJ’s on KALX. She had the best laugh, the best voice. The

Actually it was made with American money by an American production studio in English with a goal of being a crossover hit both in China and in the US.

IDK. I appreciate the director’s comments on this. It’s at least good that we are having dialogue about these things. That’s what really annoys me about Damon. He’s so dismissive of people’s criticism.

Gee Matt, between this and your comments on diversity I’m starting to think you might be a douche.

This may get me flamed but seriously, I do get tired of how some gay men exaggerate the feminine in a way that feels a bit like appropriation.

That actually made my heart hurt. what kind of a concept is “tacky” to teach a four year old? he’s going to preschool not Royal Ascot.

Thank goodness, a man is here to tell men how women feel.

I know that not everyone here loves her (and this is not an invitation to tell me what you think of me, I’ve already heard it) but I’m genuinely a fan of HRC and am still just so sad that she didn’t win. Can’t care about Joe - or any other candidate - right now/yet. :(

I have been in a reading rut. It feels like I don’t have time, but I enjoy it so much! But about a year ago, I started to lull. I have a really hard time finding books I like. I think I’m just going to read The Little White Horse (my favorite childhood book) to reignite that passion. Any book recs?

Counterpoint: American cheese makes the BEST grilled cheese, and you are wrong!

Is the assistant young or old, I honestly can’t tell.

Yeah, I’ve eaten at Comet Ping Pong many times and had intended to go eat there again to support it. I don’t think I can anymore, and I kind of think this is going to be it for the restaurant. It’ll go out of business pretty soon because of this.

I was picked on a lot as a kid and it was often directed at my somewhat defiant love of GameCube. It really sucked and probably contributed to triggering the depression I came to struggle with for the years following (and now manage). And I gotta say, all the sorrow that came in response for my love of GameCube was