Autoplay needs to die in a fire
I should’ve posted a translation, sorry. He starts flirting with her, being gross “Look at you.” And he starts singing a song that says “It’s your fault for enticing me.” And she says “You enticed yourself.” It keeps escalating and she says “Can you back off? That is enough.” He starts complimenting her nacklace and…
Holy shit is that...is that Kylie? If so, this is like some borderline Rachel Dolezal level drag.
What? that lipstick shade is slaying it. Her expression is insufferable though.
so down.
As a thin girl with a fat butt and prominent hips...
Tragic Kingdom, Return of Saturn (SO UNDERRATED), Rock Steady and Love Angel Music Baby will never not be some favorite albums of mine. Long live No Doubt and Gwen Stefani, for real.
I don’t know what to do with the sense of helplessness and blind rage reading stories like this gives me. It leaves me emotionally confused in a way so little else does.
Hmm, let’s see...
I just reread that and it kinda sounds like I’m saying “It’s finally my moment to stand up for something and I choose dog murder!” But that’s totally not what I meant, ok?
I know I tend to only complain about my ex when I’m on open threads, but today I got thrown for a new loop. I went in to renew my car registration only to find that there were still things left over from the wreck that totaled my first car two years ago. See, my husband had been insisting for a year that I was…
This is great, you have a whole soundtrack! I love it.
The man who took one of the most famous photos in Olympic history wasn’t a professional photographer. Tony Duffy was…
Yo I am late to this Dirt Bag but how has no one talked about Sean Penn and Amy Schumer yet?! Worse yet they were at a Madonna concert! Wtf! (Sorry for all the exclamation marks but I have very strong negative feelings about this topic)
I still love that scene in “Blue Crush” that has Michelle Rodriguez on a jet ski and “Youth of the Nation” in the background.
That face when it smashes is pure gold. Hearing Mellie’s rant on Scandal this week I find myself excited to see what Michelle decides to do with her post-WH freedom. What a treat to think that the Obamas will probably be around for decades to delight us and do good work in the world.