I think the real question here is whether the nothing burger will be followed by cake or by pie.
I think the real question here is whether the nothing burger will be followed by cake or by pie.
It might lessen the pain if instead you were the Bear of Bad News. At least then there would be something cute and fuzzy/beclawed and sharp toothed to distract from the woe.
Both of my epidurals failed. I was ready to kill the entire anesthesiology department. I actually yelled at one point, "Do any of those fuckers know what they're doing?" And I'm not the east bit sorry for it.
So, some of you may have little bits of this already.
For my second kid's birth, my epidural failed. Yep, apparently this is a thing that can happen. I had been in labor for about 12 hours and was exhausted. I got it just as things were getting intense, and was fine for about an hour. Then all of a sudden the pain came back full force, just as I was transitioning - the…
I mentioned some of this on another article recently. And this is really more of a full scale pregnancy horror, story, but here goes. So, it took me 3 years to get pregnant with my son. That included the indignity of a plethora of infertility tests and treatments. I ended up getting pregnant while we were on a short…
Of course I'm weighing in. Be warned, I am giving (almost) all the details.
The NFL's handling of the Ray Rice domestic violence case has opened a belated discussion on how professional sports…
I had to deal with some of these fuckers when they came to my campus on Wednesday, showing off pictures of dead fetuses. They screamed at me, and came uncomfortably close. They also told me my parent's interracial and interfaith marriage was going to go to hell. And that I dishonored them for being gay. So I made a…
Anybody who thinks it's hypocritical for us to hate rape and like sex isn't very good at thinking.
Yes, we will do that on the same day that anyone gives a shit about what you think.
Other things we learned about Celestina today: she has the "ability to drown out a chorus of banshees" with her voice
At pretty much every blogging job I've ever had, I've been told (by male managers) that it'd be a death sentence to moderate comments and block IP addresses, because it "shuts down discourse" and guts traffic. But no one's ever shown me any actual numbers that support that claim. Does anyone have any? Not that I think…
It's terrible to hear that commenters could potentially be fired for looking at the website due to the GIFs. While I try to be active in comments (and honestly, that's one of my favorite parts of the job), it makes me anxious to think that people could get in trouble because I am writing and sourcing links instead of…
To me, it seems this is really indicative of the way in which it's so much harder to exist as a woman on the Internet — women have to deal with so much shit, and so much of the stuff done to ~make the 'net free for everyone~ doesn't take that fact into account at all. There was an op-ed in the Guardian about that this…
Working at Gawker Media is a dream job for many of the women on staff here at Jezebel. This is a place that takes…