
This is the type of controlled implosion that Pete Carroll can get behind.

Subject: Fwd: FYI

Hey, you broke my Poe's Law Detector!

That take was muy caliente.

Because most people watching a clip of open play in that position would assume the keeper was in goal. In this rare circumstance, he was not, which is likely what the assistant referee was so concerned with instead of paying attention to whether the ball was in the attacking half.

No double standard. You wanna bang interns, that's between you, the intern and your spouse. Have at it.

I hate when people use this BS logic. There is a difference. There is no difference on some issues, but on many important issues there is. Millions of people now have health insurance and more overall access to healthcare because we elected Obama in 08. The two women he put on the Supreme Court were very different

Well, one party does have a unique knack of preaching traditional family values and then regularly getting caught with prostitutes, mistresses, or staffers or pages of either gender, while the other...not so much.

Is it just me, or did Chandler actually look a little pissed when he was shaking his head at Dirk?

The decision to vacate the wins was nearly two and a half years old, so it comes as no surprise that Penn State completely fucked it.

A bit? He had a lot of asshole in him. I say that as a black man and as someone who looked up to him for most of my life. After watching footage of him essentially race-baiting Joe Frazier by calling him a gorilla over and over again in front of national media, I pretty much left that hero worship behind.

"Nah man, I don't wanna go to the Super Bowl, I'm going to an awesome Super Bowl party" said a guy who clicks on banner ads about the liberal conspiracy to steal our food

I am absolutely floored, flabbergasted and gobsmacked that "The Imitation Game" is being nominated for anything other than "most disappointing fucking movie about an incredible man and an incredible accomplishment that's ever been made in the history of cinema, in fact, in the history of all fucking mankind."

Oddibie McDowell thinks you should keep your Bills Water to yourself.


Hard to believe a team that regularly gives Matthew Dellavedova significant minutes is not very good. But I'm sure it's just coaching.

If Manning is coming back next year I'd wager money they are after Dan Quinn. Peyton already runs the offense and who better than the DC who wrecked their shit in the Superbowl last year. Seems like a perfect fit for everyone.

Here's the dirty secret about Kyrie Irving - he isn't actually all that good. He's a solid scorer - slightly above average efficiency, but high volume - who provides exactly nothing else. He doesn't play defense. He can't orchestrate an offense.


As a fellow Steeler fan, "Fire him because he sucks but we'll never find anybody as good!" is the most Steeler-fan thing you could ever say.