
If there was supposed to be 6 minutes of stoppage and in stoppage there was the entire time it took for the PK setup and celebration how can the game end at 6 minutes and 25 seconds? That's fucking absurd

Dive enough times, eventually one will go your way.

Realllllllllly looking forward to Brazil losing in the very near future. They are nauseatingly overrated.

His wife was the one cheating on him with her personal trainer.

sans sterling?

$1.83 U.S. dollars...$260 bucks

I fucking hate that chant

The outrage against Bradley tells me one thing: that most of America still doesn't understand soccer. I think everyone would agree that Bradley was not himself in the Ghana match. But let's get one thing straight: he is undoubtedly the best player on this squad. People who think he played poorly yesterday only reflect

I'm going to take the bold stance that trying for an extra base when down by 2 runs in the bottom of the 9th is not smart baseball.

Who should Bradley be replaced with? I mean, I think he's been weak (though, not quite as weak as some think), but I'm not sure who can fill that role better than him, even at his current (shitty) pace.

Ah yes, BARTMAN is the hero that Chicago deserves...

you're an idiot. He was all over the field and covered by far the most ground of anyone during that game. The effort was not what was lacking

Beasley was fantastic tonight until the final 30 seconds. But night and day compared to game against Ghana.

Bradley was significantly better than anyone's giving him credit for in the first half ... the second half though ...

Don't shoot, don't shoot, don't....GOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLL!

Shawn Marion's jump shot laughs at Hunter Pence's swing.


Seems higher learning has gone the way of the corporation. Higher pay and perks for the few at the top and a lot of "make do with less" bullshit for everyone else.