
If you thought The Prestige was "meh", then maybe movies, in general, aren't your thing.

Bisciotti is just reiterating what we've known for decades:

I grew up in PA and have lived in Golden, CO for years. One visit to the Coors brewery will show you just how bad your beer decisions are.

I knew we wouldn't be seeing much of him once Happy Endings got cancelled, but the Jets can just find him on New Girl now.

That's all kinds of Bananas! or at least two of them hanging out with they're mom.

Is there any ownership in sports more glamorous than the Islanders? Just ask this guy.

This marks the first time that Brett Favre's penis has ever been described as a "full blown thing".

Following the home run, Randall Delgado entered the game and promptly hit the next batter in the face with a 95mph fastball.

Watch all of the hair transition from head to face in minutes!

Nobody who uses the words "fucking fuck" on Twitter should be allowed to practice law anyway.

It should also be mentioned that Guinness in Europe (preferably Dublin, but really anywhere in Europe) is just amazing. The beer really downgrades when it's shipped to North America, and this might be why some find it overrated. I still disagree with that notion, but GOOD GOD is it great in Europe.

If you like James, wait till you meet his brother, Jezbollah.

In all fairness, this punishment is way harsher than what Ray Lewis got for killing two people.

This is WAY better than the gift that Najeh Davenport left his neighbors.

I believe that Beyonce is important. ...she was still writing songs like "Drunk In Love,"

The best part about this article is that the author has a law degree, and also knows next to nothing about science! Hilarious!


That's understandable - attending Syracuse is deserving of a facepalm.

Just saying, your presence on the Earth is unnecessary.

No, the joke had nothing to do with recycling. I wouldn't joke about such a thing - the use of our planet's resources is a very serious matter.