
that’s how you *know* he hates Japan

in college I ate a whole onion raw with the peel on cause my buddy dared me to and there was a girl whom I wanted to impress. Ladies aren’t impressed with doing stupid shit! :(

isn’t a belly flop with arms and legs spread so the belly strikes water first?

in 1995, this wouldn’t have been online at all *thinking emoji*

chased by a lion maye?

I would add Goldzone onto that. It shows whatever interesting thing is happening, at that time. Like Red Zone.

the Raiders have been potentially leaving Oakland since they moved back in 1995. They bilked the city and county for billions, added on the disgusting Mount Davis-which they now tarp over!- to the Coliseum. I still follow the team. I am stupid.

Rugby is up there...

1. Open Pokemon Go


a bunch of companies etc. are putting up lures and meetups for today, unfortunate for them


I know Eagles fans can make up for the lack of booing from Jets fans

their thai ones are good, as were their quinoa cowboy ones prior to the listeria scare.

really though the warriors were absolutely horrible for a good 21 out of the last 25 years, have the last 2 years really changed things that much?

was gonna ask if he’s gonna be wearing this shirt

Also, don’t think the comparison to Furd is apt, as they have a jillion dollar endowment to plow money into anything

title four?

Apparently most of the professors interviewed by the Chron have been known to speak out against athletics in the past, just a tidbit there.

me too!