
Ireland: A great place to be a mother, so long as you don't want any say over whether or not you become one.

When a little kid caught him banging his sister his reaction was to throw him out of a tower.

I think that any movement is going to have irrational people whose zeal far outreaches their reasoning. What's troubling about the FA movement is how often these people are at the center of the discussion. In any movement with a worthy cause I expect people who are too busy being up in arms about everything to be

Saying that being overweight often has health consequences is not an attack on overweight people.

I can't figure out how Ireland is #5 on that list.

I object to the scientific credibility of this poll!

It's generally only for weekday morning service. And only more observant Jews tend to wear them. So you'd have to wander into an observant shul on like a Wednesday morning to see them in NY. I believe those services are also held at the wall, which is why someone is wearing it in the photo.

People only wear them when they're praying. So you wouldn't see them just walking around NYC.

As in backstreet boys Nick Carter? Are we caring about him? I wasn't even aware he was still trying to be famous before I read this tweet beat. In fact if you had asked me if he was still alive I couldn't have given you a sure answer.

I am of the opinion that Tim Burton should be locked in a bomb shelter with enough food and water to last a lifetime. I don't wish him any physical harm, but I also never want him to be heard from again.

Integrity? Seriously? I honestly can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.

I can completely see where you're coming from, but you are talking about food a diamond necklace is a whole different ball of wax.

Hah that's pretty funny. Did you also amass a Duggar-sized family of black baby dolls as a substitute for not being able to be black yourself?

The best thing about (most) black hair is that we have range that most people wish they had. Locks can look good on us, braids can look good on us, pin straight and a halo of curls can look good on us AND our hair can do it, too.

You'll be missed..

If we did we'd just have to retire "equality" in a few years after the religious right successfully smeared that word too.

Ok, so what is it that they are really against when it comes to gay marriage?

I was referring to their burner name.

You are either a genius at satire or an unbelievable moron.

To echo many of my fellow commenters, I think it's clear that these food insecure brats and their parents are just gaming the system.